Saturday, May 31, 2008


I technically have 11 more days until the supposed "due date" but I am sick of waiting. I am emotional, tired, uncomfortable, and sick of being pregnant. People keep asking me how I feel. My answer is "like having a baby." I also keep getting asked if I have any nesting syndrome going on. Well, considering the baby room has been done for months, the clothes have been washed for weeks, the hospital bag was packed a week ago (which I think I will repack tomorrow, not happy with my choices), and the house has stayed pretty clean, I say no. The closest thing to nesting is trying to get my stuff in order at work.

I cleaned out our pantry last weekend (it needed to be done no matter what). I found liquid in a bag that used to hold hamburger buns...yeah...blame that one on Ryan putting them up on a shelf that normally doesn't house food. Today's big adventure was cleaning out the 2 bins in the linen closet that should hold sunscreen and drugs. I tossed several years worth of outdated medicine so if you get sick or need drugs at our house, you will have to take a trip to the store. I think we have advil (or some pain killer) and that's all. I am even at the critical level on tums! I need to purchase some more if I have to go another 11 days. I broke down and have even eaten the green and red ones I don't like.

Since I never left the couch or bed today, I think tomorrow's goal is to get up, shower and possibly go to Target. I need shampoo, conditioner, and tums. Yep, what an exciting weekend.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

New Bets

Since you are all evil and keep betting that I won't have this baby for another week or about we start seeing how long you think I will be in labor?

We did have a check up at the doctor today. Things are still progressing (opening, softening, shortened, moving, contracting). Aren't those lovely words to hear? The doctor said the longer he stays in the better eater he will be. What that translates to me is how much bigger he will be to push out and how much more poop he will make!

Anyhow, all is good. She was a little surprised to hear I am still working full time (more than 8 hour days). Guess that means I can officially slow down and not feel guilty. Like right now; it's 5pm and I am blogging. Time to call it a day.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Fear of Change?

Ok, I just read two frightening posts by friends that are now moms and wonder, what the hell happened to the friends I once knew? Will I also fall victim to this new found sensitivity? Probably but right now, I want to be told that after LBF is born, I am still me but improved. I don't want to lose my sarcasm or desire to belittle enemies.

First example:
...buying yet another adorable, pink-on-pink, super gotta have outfit for the baby doll. Every morning I look in my closet in complete disgust. My only comfort is knowing I get to pick out something cute for our little doll face!

This was posted by a friend who loved to eat people and spit them back out for fun in front of you for fun. She was a sassy lady and god, she's only concerned with pink girl clothes! Where's the inner bitch?

Second example:
...freckles, potty training, and *gasp* super mushy email forwards!

Ok, I totally understand the first two because those are cool changes in your kids and they are adorable to watch growup but some of the email threads lately are all tear jerkers. Maybe these are my hormones working over time but again, where's the inner bitch? A few years ago the only forward I would have gotten would have been filled with sarcasm or gossip about one of the girls from the P**** P****.

Psychoanalyzing myself I have come up with this: I already know my life is going to change and I am ok with it but I do need to know that some of the old me will still remain. I don't want to be labeled only as a mom. I still want to be Erin. This is coming from the girl who's most exciting dream lately consisted of putting on jeans and buttoning them. Then wearing a shirt tucked in with a belt and putting on high heals. Seriously, the point wasn't even that I was skinny or drop dead gorgeous, it was that I missed my old clothes!

And for those two friends mentioned above, they are the best moms and friends in the world. I wouldn't trade them for anything. I just had to point out how crazy I am starting to feel and hope they reassure me they still have mean sides to them deep down. I think it is time for LBF to make an appearance before I crack completely.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Mario Cart and the Wii

Ryan got the new Mario Cart game for the Wii today. It has the steering wheel aparatus. Let's just say, I kicked his butt! We played 8 races. I won 7/8 and honestly, had no idea what I was doing. I get so tense playing video games I was sweating and had a sore thumb from gripping the steering wheel tightly. He didn't like that I beat him so he's been "practicing" while I started a new book.

We made a run to Barnes and Noble today so I could burn some gift cards and stock up on some books for before/when the baby comes. I hate daytime tv and figure I need something to keep me entertained. I had hoped to branch out into new authors but just couldn't do it.

One, I hate shopping at B&N. The reason is it is sensory overload. The store is cluttered, there is no rhyme or reason to their displays, and it seems like each display has the same books on it as when you turn the corner to the next section. I love the layout and atmosphere of Borders so much more.

Two, I am not a good judge of books. If I haven't had someone recommend it to me with rave reviews, I tend to shy away. I hate buying books and not reading them. I feel like when I start a book, I must finish it no matter what (especially if I paid money for it). Some books sound good but then I get them home and wish I had read a chapter or two to see if I like the writer's style. Ryan is way too impatient for me to take that kind of time at the store.

The third thing is a memory thing. I do hear about some authors and even write their names down but forget them when I get to the store. Or, I find the author but not the book people told me to get. Pretty soon all I will be reading are "Golden Books" and "Mother Goose." So, if you have any must read books, shoot the name over this way.

Weekend Recap

Friday night was Rock Band at our house.

Saturday was the annual pool party at the Polich's.

Sunday was Erin resting and recooperating from too much partying. Hmmm...that sounds funny. Maybe I should say socializing since I didn't party in the true sense of the word unless you count over indulging in food.

I finished Eat, Pray, Love. Not a huge fan. I liked parts of it but just never really got why it was hyped so much. I also kicked Ryan's butt at 2 games of yahtzee and then almost beat him at trivia. I blame Pete for my demise, the phone beeped and I checked it and it threw my game off for the last 2 questions which were based on speed. Sorry Pete, I need a scapegoat.

Monday's plan is looking ok so far. Ryan is busy making pancakes and I feel like showering and going to the book store. Not sure if we will do anything else exciting today but for once you can say I "relaxed" over the weekend. I did clean out the pantry yesterday, swept the porch, trimmed and weeded my plants out front and picked up the kitchen again but that's just a scaled back version of what I wanted to accomplish. I don't consider that "cleaning."

I hope everyone had a nice weekend and got some relaxing in.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Bad Decision

Don't try to purchase a movie off of your satelite provider when it is raining and storming out. It's just a tease. You can get 20 minutes into the movie and then the signal poops out and you wasted $5.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Week 37 Ultrasound

I have to admit, I someohow managed to get my regular appointment and the ultrasound done in record time yesterday. Everyone in that doctor's office was ready for the weekend. We were in and out in under 1.5 hours which is about the normal "speedy" time frame for one appointment.

Here are the stats:
*LBF is head down, face down (the correct position to make his grand exit).
*He still has all of his important organs and is still a boy (they double checked and we told the lady it was too late if he was anything else).
*He was snoozing and didn't move much with all the pushing on him-maybe he will be a calm one...maybe?!?!
*According to the measurements of the ultrasound, he's a big boy. I have had some people tell me the ultrasounds are accurate and others say they aren't so we will have to wait and see. As for length though, I know he will be tall.
*I am starting to dilate. It could be any day now or still another couple weeks. This is the one thing that is killing me. I am impatient because I like to know when things are going to happen.
*My test for B strep or whatever it is called was negative, which is good because it means no antibiotics during labor. Remember, I only like the good drugs that take away pain. No need for extra fluff! Just Kidding!!!

So, I left the doctor's office happily with a copy of my chart that I was instructed to carry at all times. I have an appointment for next week. I may or may not need it. Part of me is itching to get it over with. Then there is part of me that needs these last 4 days at work to finalize a few things so I can go on leave with no work worries.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Date Night

So Ryan and I decided we needed a date night before the baby arrives. I had high expectations of how it would go and well, it went like a normal night around here.

I worked from home today so I got up and quickly got sucked into work. I did manage a shower and to shave my legs (no, not for romancing, for the fact that they were hairy enough to stick to my pants) but that was about all the further I got. Work sucked me back in and I didn't get to dry my hair or put on makeup. At 3:30, I decided I better get that sorted out so I was ready to go when Ryan came home from work. Again, foiled. I wasn't ready (mainly I needed to change into human clothes). Of course, he made a snide comment about us beating the dinner rush and to hurry up.

We made it to Cheesecake Factory and only had to wait a few minutes! Yippee, things are looking better. We sit down (why do they make pregnant women squeeze into booths?) and basically stared at each other. Nothing to talk about so we eat our stale bread and cold butter. Right before our food comes, the waiter gave us fresh bread. Yippee!?? Dinner was good and we split a piece of banana cream cheesecake (my favorite). We were stuffed so we headed over to the movie theatre. See, I told you it was a typical day for us.

Good part of the evening. We went to Indiana Jones and I have to say, it was pretty good. No, I am not talking Oscar material at all. I had low expectations and it was better than anticipated. It was in true Indiana style, silly one liners, overly long car fight/chase scenes, impractical items, and of course a predictable plot. I loved it because I was afraid it would be like Star Wars and leave a bad taste in my mouth. It surely did not. I still think Harrison Ford is hot which helps and he didn't miss a beat with his character signature moves and looks. Mmmm...So, if you are an Indiana Jones fan, I think you will like the movie. If you are expecting something crazy and better than any of the past ones, you will surely be disappointed. To me, its as though the 19 years hadn't passed and Harrison is still young and sexy. Also a good note, there were quite a few little toddlers and kids brought to the movie with mom and dad. I was sure we would have some interruptions but they all behaved. Those that didn't were ushered out by dad and not brought back in until they could behave. God bless those parents!

Now we are back home. I did a half hour of work and Ryan is practicing guitar. So much for a "date night."

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Mind Power

One thing I noticed lately is that I have strong desires to complete things (projects, chores, things at work, etc.) but I just don't have the energy. It's not a procrastination thing, it's a physical thing. Picture Luke Skywalker thinking about that light saber just out of reach and it flying into his hand. That's the type of power I need in my life OR the ability to plant ideas in Ryan's head so he does them for me.

That's right Ryan...yes, it is fun to water plants for Erin. Yes, I think I will pay the bills tonight. Oh, I should vacuum and fix the floor Erin has asked me about. Oh, maybe I will clean the closet while I wait for good tv to start. do the things Erin would like to accomplish...

Monday, May 19, 2008

TV Drama

The DVR bit the dust tonight. Talk about horrible timing. I had taped the 2 hour season finale of Desperate Housewives last night and it is gone. We can't even get normal tv now :( Dish Network was very helpful, they sat on the phone with me for half an hour and tried 3 or 4 times before they gave me the bad news that the DVR is dead and they are shipping me a new one. It will be here in 4 business days. This is disheartening since there are still some season finales this week and I hate watching them on the internet.

I have always been a fan of taping a show and watching it because you can skip commercials but with a DVR, you can pause, rewind, etc. without even taping. So, when the phone rings, or I have to go to the bathroom, I can catch back up. Tonight I had to time my bathroom trips on the commercials and make sure I was back in time before the show started. I had to pay attention and not let my mind wander. I also had to watch them on the big tv but not in HD. Talk about frustrating.

Now, here's the saddest part. I can't believe how lost I felt tonight! Ryan asked me what time my show was on and what channel and I said I wasn't sure because I didn't have the guide feature! What in the world did I do before this? Now I know why people are addicted to their TIVO. I am addicted to my DVR! How pathetic is that? Especially since I don't consider myself a huge tv watcher.

Guess that fuels the need to read more books. Good thing I got a new one to keep me busy for the next couple nights.

Hay for a Yard

I don't know how many of you have seen on the news that South Florida is on fire and I don't just mean Jess' running super fast! We haven't had rain for forever. We are still on a water restriction. Our yard is starting to look like a hayfield and my dear plants need some tender loving care. I know I need to get out and water them to keep them alive but I am in no condition to do it. I feel super guilty because the neighbor lady has been trying to nurse back a dead patch of our grass out front. Oh well, I could go out now and unroll the hose or just blog about it. I opted for blogging.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Shami and Priorities

I am not quite sure how you spell Shami but you know those yellow/tan rags that soak up all the water on your car after you wash it and leave it with a spot free shine? Well, that's what my ankles and feet did last night. After a long week at work and probably a poor choice in shoes (wore heals three days out of 5) I had the attack of water retention. I attended a party after work on Friday that was outdoors. One, the heat and humidity played a role, then the fact that sitting in bar stool type chairs cut circulation off to my feet, and then standing was not a wise choice. I came home and put my feet up on two pillows. Then I tried to sleep with them raised. It helped bring the swelling down a little so I tried to stay off them as much as possible today. They aren't back to normal but they did come down quite a bit. Ah, only a few more weeks of this.

Today I had two things on my list of priorities to do. One was a hair cut which I did get. I chopped the crap out of it because I know it's easier to handle when it's short and it's hot as hell again. I went to the new salon my stylist just opened. I am so proud of her and now know what my $$$ haircuts have been going towards. It's a nice salon and if anyone's looking for a good place to go, I recommend it. I have had her cut my hair for the past 7 years and have not come home crying once (unlike the other places that I tried the first year I moved here).

The one funny thing was I noticed I had some unruly hair lately and thought it was because my cut was growing out. When she started chopping she said "Looks like you developed some nice body and curve on the right side but man, that left side isn't even thinking about it." I laughed and said maybe it will fall out once I have the baby and go back to straight. She laughed, said maybe, but then warned me that more than likely I will lose a ton of hair (possibly a bald spot!)and find some other weird things going on. Those darn hormones can change your hair and it can be up to 6 months after the kids born. Hmmm...maybe I will have natural curls in the future or end up having bangs to cover up a bald spot!

My second priority was to pack my hospital bag. I didn't get that accomplished. I don't know why I am procrastinating on that one. I guess it's because I really don't know what to bring. I do, but I don't. Maybe that's what officially makes me ready now. Who knows.

Braxton hicks are in full swing now; or at least that's what I think is going on. The kids on the move down into position and I have been crampy. Right now it's just annoying but it puts you on high alert. Every little twinge makes me wonder how much longer. The next 3 weeks are going to be rough.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

LBF Update

LBF has to see the doctor each week now. We are in the home stretch. The doctor said he's moving down, head in the right spot, and at least 6 lbs already. For those of you that are betting people, adjust your weight and arrival dates now because that might be the only hint you get from me.

Next week we go back for the normal check in but also one last ultrasound. The ultrasound should be pretty cool because we haven't seen him since week 20 or 21. That's between 4 and 5 months ago. That will give the doctor (and us) a better idea of how he's facing and what his more accurate weight is.

I think I gained a whole 1/2 lb in two weeks although my tummy has popped out quite a bit. Clothing is becoming a challenge and comfort is completely gone. I have worn more skirts and dresses in the last couple weeks that people at work are wondering what's up. It is funny to have to tell someone you are "dressed up" because your pants don't fit and not that you have a hot date or dirty clothes (those are my normal excuses when you see my legs pop out from a skirt).

So, all is well and "moving" along. The doctor's office still sucks. We waited about 15 minutes to get in (not bad) but then I got to sit on the table with a sheet over my waist for close to another 45 minutes. Pregnant women sitting on exam tables...doesn't make for a comfortable experience. Ryan found the same magazine in the same area he stashed it behind the exam table from the last visit when we were in that room. I can't remember if that was the appt two weeks ago or the one a month ago but either way...I don't want to think about their cleanliness.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Mid-week cleaning

You may think I would be the "nester" with the baby on the way but Ryan is the one making sure everything is getting done in our lives. Not only has he been driving the household repairs and improvements, he is also making sure we refinance our house before our loan is up next month. Tomorrow the appraiser comes so he mowed the lawn and began the clean-up process before bowling tonight. I got home at 7:30 and have started doing my part (normally I would say fair share but lately, I can't seem to meet him half way. That may have to do with the watermelon in my middle).

This may sound silly but it is my guess that an appraiser wouldn't notice the dust on the end tables but if someone is coming in my home to make a judgement on me, I think the cleaner the better. Trust me, I doubt there will be any floor washing but sweeping/vacuuming/dusting are a must. So, with that said, I am getting back to dusting so Ryan can vacuum when he gets home.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Sleep Deprivation

I am severely worried about sleep deprivation once LBF is born. The reasons this bothers me so much are kind of weird.

1) Most people worry because they treasure sleep. I worry because I know how evil I can be when I am overly tired. The last thing I want to do is alienate Ryan, my parents, or any other friends or family that visit when they are trying to help me.
2) I am feeling very exhausted lately and haven't been getting more than 1.5 to 2 hours worth of sleep in one stretch (if you call laying in bed uncomfortably, with a half awake/half asleep stage approach to sleeping, sleeping). Is it true is lasts for much longer than the first few months? Part of me thinks even with an evil baby that doesn't sleep, won't those 2-3 hours of sleep be much more like real sleep than the pseudo sleep I am currently getting?
3) I have trouble focusing while driving and definitely have trouble focusing at work lately because of being tired. Good thing once the baby comes I don't have to drive to the other room to change his diaper or make any big decisions. I figure left breast, right breast, clean diaper, change clothes is not too difficult to master even if you are sleepwalking.

Only time will tell but I just keep thinking it has to be better than it is now. Or at least the moments with LBF will more than make up for it, right?

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day!

People may think Ryan and I are strange...ponder that, move on. We have always celebrated Mother's/Father's day since we got Annie and Jazzy. Mainly it was a card to each other from the dog or cat and used as an excuse to buy the other person something.

Last year, I received a Wii for Mother's Day. Now, you know darn well I didn't ask for it but I did enjoy it. This year, I am closest to being a real mom so Ryan didn't need any reminding. He surprised me Friday night with downloads of Ugly Betty season 2. Again, I can't help but think this was a gift partially intended for him since he couldn't wait to give it to me on Friday and we watched 2 episodes. This makes me think I need to pick out a great Father's day gift that I will also enjoy...hmmm...maybe a day at the spa or flowers.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Thank you

Thank you to all that volunteered to help when needed. Sheryl brought up a good point; to you, an hour or two with LBF will be fun. To me, it's an hour of sanity!

Work has been crazy busy with my boss transitioning to a new division and us not having a replacement. No replacement means two things that are virtually status quo in my world.
1) Everyone still comes to me
2) I still do the work
The only nice part about this is that they come to me first and I can prioritize rather than have someone else tell me how to prioritize my day.

I am a little stressed out about going on leave. Not that I don't think my team will survive without me, they will, it's just going to be rough on them and others will have to learn through trial and error that "Erin's one stop shop" will now turn into a day's worth of trying to find the information they need. The hard part is there are a few pet projects that I am knee deep in and have to document the remaining tasks, communications, distribution lists, etc. and also bring my team up to speed on them. One of the critical ones will just be getting crazy about the time my water breaks. That one has me up at night worrying about it. The bummer is I am so busy with normal work, it's hard finding the time to do this properly. I could do it once I am at home or on the weekends just to put my mind at ease but honestly, I am too exhausted to do it.

Through all the exhaustion, sickness, and baby brain, I did have two really good ideas this week that are going to make a difference. I was pretty proud of myself for coming up with them. Sometimes I feel like I am only the negative "did you think about this" type person but when I said that this week, it was with positive examples of how to improve on something. It's good to know the brain still functions.

So, although work is crazy, I am hanging in there. I have been working 8-9 hour days (better than my 10-11 hours) nonstop and I am at least eating lunch (no half hour or hour break but fueling up). Tomorrow I will work from home which means more actual work but in the comfort of pjs!

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Asking for Help

As you can tell, I am getting more and more excited about the baby coming because I keep posting more and more about him. Sorry to those that find this boring but I figure it is better reading than me complaining about work.

I have heard all the stories about how you must ask for help and take advantage of it when you can after the baby is born. You are not being selfish, you will need the time to sleep, get away from the baby, be a person other than mom, etc. This is turning into a fear for me now.

As most of you know, I usually don't ask for help. At work, I take on too much and have to be in a real bind before I ask for assistance. Same with at home. Ryan may beg to differ (he probably thinks I have no problem asking him to do things for me) but in the scheme of things, I try not to ask people for help if it's something I can do. Well, I have a feeling that once the baby comes, I am going to need help but be afraid to ask for it since I never do it now.

I don't think asking for help is a sign of weakness, I just think it is a control issue for me. With that said, I also think part of my control issue is I don't do well with change or the unexpected and having this kid is definitely going to be a change and unchartered territory. I know in my head people have kids all the time. I know that my life won't change 100% but will it be more than I bargained for? I guess we will find out in a few more weeks. Until then, I must keep telling myself everything is going to be ok.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Baby Shopping Complete?

I think Ryan and I are done baby shopping with the exception of two known items. One is a baby monitor. The one I registered for wasn't in stock and since neither him nor I felt like researching them in the store, we decided we would go back another time. My thoughts are the house is so darn small, we will hear the little guy. I also know in the back of my head, it is for when he's a little older and I am out on the porch or outside that I will really want one. The second item is a diaper bag. Jess had purchased one super close to what I wanted but I decided to return it. Now I can't find the one I want and I returned hers. I am going to start looking online because after 4 different stores, nothing caught my eye.

Here's a question for new mom and dads...did you pick a brand of diaper or buy several? We received one brand at a shower and bought two others today just to see what works best. I figure they should all be about the same but man, some are way more expensive than others. I hope LBF and I like the least expensive ones. Newborns are so cute though-they are tiny!

I need a real mom (one that recently had a child) to come visit my baby supplies and tell me what I am missing. I don't think there is anything crucial. I feel like we have the basics covered. The only thing I probably should get in the health care area is baby tylenol but other than that...what more can the kid need?

Oh, and if anyone finds the baby fan that hooks on the stroller like Amy and Kevin had, let me know where you found it. I want one of those. I am putting Ryan on the hunt for a small clock radio with a CD player in it. I also want one of those for in the baby room. I may put ours from our bedroom in there and just buy a normal alarm clock for us. See, the wish list is growing but none of the things are necessities.

Time to look for a stupid diaper bag and make sure all the items on my registry are now marked off. Clothing is about all the kid needs. I have a ton of onesies. The kid needs some cute pjs and normal clothes. He can't go around in his undershirt all day; even though I am sure he will!

Saturday, May 03, 2008

The Dr. and The Boss

Yesterday's doctor appointment went well. I am right on track and the doctor confirmed June 11th is my expected date-not June 4th. Dangit. I was so hoping that in 4 weeks I would be internally free of LBF. You never know, I might have to start doing jumping jacks and eating spicy food (or whatever old wives tale brings on labor).

This was the first time I met with this doctor (there are 3 at the practice) and she is by far my favorite so far. She was personable and took time to assure me "it's not a tumor." See, for the last week I have had this really hard lump down in my lower pelvic region that hurts when I sit or stand. Of course I have been pushing on it trying to figure out what it is or massage it out. It's a shoulder. Which is good news because that means LBF's head is where it is supposed to be. Hopefully he is too big to decide to turn around.

She also said my weight gain and blood pressure are right on track and all looks good. Now I have been instructed to drink OJ with my iron pills to help the body absorb them. That juice is such an evil "on the diet, off the diet, on the diet" topic. She agreed they are empty calories but said I can handle it. So, back to the small glass of juice again.

Now for an update on the Bruce Springsteen concert. Before I get started, I have to mention how much I am starting to hate the Bank Atlantic Center for having trouble opening their doors on time. An email from them stated they were opening their doors at 6:30 (concert was scheduled to start at 7:30). We arrived a little after 7 since I didn't want to do a ton of standing and walking. We stood outside for over an hour! They didn't even start letting people in until after 7:30. There was no rhyme or reason to it. You do not want to stand outside with the 55+ age group of drunk old men and women who haven't been to a concert since Bruce's last tour. They were all bitching about having to pee and how they were going to miss the show and be upset. I did remind a few of them that there was no way he would start his show with that many people still waiting outside.

We finally got inside around 8:15. I made a pitstop and then we went to find our seats. We had pretty darn good seats. Although they were on the back corner of the stage, I really enjoyed them. His set was open so he played to all sides. I liked being able to see him interact with the band and roadies. Plus, I have to admit, he's old but his butt from behind still looks like the cover of Born in the USA and I am not a big butt fan. So, ladies, yes, he still looks good.

The man's a machine too! He was dripping in sweat before the first song was over and must have chugged 3 gatorades throughout the show. Plus he slopped himself with water from a bucket. He's no panzy like today's rockers who go and change shirts during a 5-10 minute smoke break waiting to start an encore. He literally walked off stage and came right back out. I think 90% of the crowd was on their feet the whole show (we lucked out and had people sitting by us so I didn't have to stand). The other cool thing we noticed was he had no set list. It appeared that he was picking songs as he felt like playing them. He was even taking request from the audience. He would pull a sign with a song name on it and that's what they would play. There were a ton of kids in the front row right up against the stage. They knew every song and lyric. I can't believe they made it through the whole show. They could barely see over the stage.

In conclusion, it was a great concert and I can now say I have seen the Boss in concert. It was no Foo Fighter show or Poison but it was definitely a must go to see type show.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

End of Baby Class

It is with great pleasure that I announce Ryan and I are done with baby class. The last session was on breast feeding. Again, another good topic, learned some info that will hopefully be useful but dang-that nurse can talk!

I think we would have appreciated the classes much more if:
a) the nurse was less monotone and didn't say everything a minimum of 3-5 times.
b) the stupid couples weren't in the class (Miss "I have surfed the internet and finished reading all things related to childbirth" has also attended every baby class in the tri-state area). Although they were entertaining at times, they really stretch out the class and make you hit your head on the table with frustration.
c) it wasn't for 2.5 hours, twice a week, after work, and for 3 weeks. That class could have easily been done in a one day session OR part of it could have been online and then a half day of live lectures/hands on stuff.

I am glad to be done with that leg of the pregnancy journey. Tomorrow is my 34 week check up. I hope they decide whether June 4th is my due date or June 11th. It would make planning an escape route from work much easier and my hopes of having this kid sooner than later more managable.

LBF was very inactive earlier this week but he has been killing my bladder and some nerves on the right side. I finally got a baby/belly belt. It helped a little but is not very comfortable for sitting (which is what I do all day). I don't know if that is what pinched something today or if it was LBF because my right hip through my right foot was numb today. Driving was quite interesting and I definitely had a waddle walk. I think the belt cramped his style because today he decided it was time to start moving around again full force. I used to wonder why pregnant women touched their bellies all the time. Now I know. You can't help it.

I think that's it for baby updates. On another note. I scored some Bruce Springsteen tickets at work. It seems like all my hard work is starting to pay off or someone thinks it's funny to offer the pregnant girl fun options hoping she will turn them down. Either way, I took this offer and will be rocking out to the Boss at this time tomorrow night. Well, I will be swaying in my seat singing along to the songs I know. Should be a good concert. I will have updates Saturday.