Monday, May 12, 2008

Sleep Deprivation

I am severely worried about sleep deprivation once LBF is born. The reasons this bothers me so much are kind of weird.

1) Most people worry because they treasure sleep. I worry because I know how evil I can be when I am overly tired. The last thing I want to do is alienate Ryan, my parents, or any other friends or family that visit when they are trying to help me.
2) I am feeling very exhausted lately and haven't been getting more than 1.5 to 2 hours worth of sleep in one stretch (if you call laying in bed uncomfortably, with a half awake/half asleep stage approach to sleeping, sleeping). Is it true is lasts for much longer than the first few months? Part of me thinks even with an evil baby that doesn't sleep, won't those 2-3 hours of sleep be much more like real sleep than the pseudo sleep I am currently getting?
3) I have trouble focusing while driving and definitely have trouble focusing at work lately because of being tired. Good thing once the baby comes I don't have to drive to the other room to change his diaper or make any big decisions. I figure left breast, right breast, clean diaper, change clothes is not too difficult to master even if you are sleepwalking.

Only time will tell but I just keep thinking it has to be better than it is now. Or at least the moments with LBF will more than make up for it, right?


At 6:16 PM , Blogger Crissy Rae said...

I hate when I don't get enough sleep and, unfortunately, I don't see you getting a whole lot in the upcoming months. We won't feel alienated, though..we'll just have to get you to take a nap while we are oohing and ahhing over LBF.

At 6:31 AM , Blogger Jess said...

I have no clue what you're in for, but I think that you're not in for much sleep for about the next...18 years. Give or take.

At 8:54 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are babies who start life sleeping through the night. Now sleeping through the night means 6hrs of straight sleep, not 9-9.

You will be surprised how the 3hrs here and there make a world of difference. You will get better sleep so the 3hrs will feel like 6hrs.

This lack of sleep is why I tell you that having friends come over for a few hrs here and there so you can do your thing is KEY. They can feed and rock him while you count sheep.

You will be fine. Remember I had 2 and even though there were times I would wake up burping the pillow or Ryan and I couldn’t remember if we fed them or not, we made it.


At 10:44 AM , Blogger Froyd said...

hey hey hey. The baby isn't evil. It's going to be soft and cuddly and such. A very manly soft and cuddly and such. It is after all a Froyd.

Also, just remember what got me through 6 years of night shifts and school: always try and sleep in 90 minute stretches. Even if it's only one, it's better to do 90 minutes than 120. Your circadian rhythm is set for that, so you cycle through all of the sleep patterns in those 90 minutes. If you can sleep in 90 minute increments, it'll be better.

It won't be easy, but it'll be better that trying to grab hours of sleep that are off 90 minute cycles. You're going to have to trust me on this one. I'm sure the manly baby will work with you on this one. And LBF will adjust too.


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