Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Miller's 6 Year Old Stats

After the whirlwind summer vacation, Miller had two appointments. His first was his 6 year old check up.

He weighed in at 53 lbs (I think they said 84th percentile).
His height was 49 inches (I believe that was the 94 or 96th percentile).

He's a healthy boy and the doctor said although he may not "listen" his hearing is fine.

Next up, the dentist. I mentioned earlier he had a bottom tooth come in behind his baby tooth. That baby tooth was in no hurry to loosen up or leave so we had to have it pulled. Since the adult tooth didn't have enough room, the dentist pulled the tooth to the side of it too.

Miller was a trooper! Minimal tears and no real fussing. I am sure it had to do with the Legos he got to pick out afterwards and the promise of some ice cream. I can happily report that bottom tooth is on the move and headed towards the open space.


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