Thursday, July 31, 2008

Day 3 = Arms

Day three was all about the arm exercises. Ryan was right and I admit it; I should have been lifting weights for months before Miller was born. The little guy quickly built up some strength in my arms (I was able to start today with 3lb weights - for me that's a step up from water bottles) but I am still weak. His car seat is hard enough to carry without his fat bottom in it. I look like a fool when I try to maneuver him.

I am not sure if I will be able to get a walk in tonight. It's bowling night and I plan on going for a couple hours again to have Miller cheer the ladies on. We will see how his routine is going this evening. Last night he was a fussy-pants and overly tired. We couldn't get him to stop fussing. He just wanted to be held but you had to be standing and walking (no sitting, no swing, no chair, no crib). He was dry, burped, and well fed. Poor little guy.

Miller is beginning to like bath time. Last night was round 2 where we filled his little tub up with some water and sat him in it. No tears! Unfortunately, it's still a 2 person job so I will be enlisting the help of Jess this weekend to be an extra set of hands (otherwise I will have one stinky baby on my hands!). The only tears appear when he is naked and getting his lotion put on. After his diaper is on and some clothes he is a calm little guy again. So cute and clean :)

I dressed him in an "outfit" today with pants. He is adorable. I took some pictures but he wasn't smiling. He looked grumpy. I am going to try to get a few more and post them.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Day 2-Abs

Day two on the workout plan is an ab workout. The 4 moves they have are kinda lame so I might insert my own ab workout from another magazine on this day. Don't get me wrong, it worked my non-existant tummy muscles but just didn't seem as targeted. I know I will feel it tomorrow.

I definitely need to get a walk in with these workouts since they don't really "burn" in the cardio sense. I will never look ripped since I have no willpower to workout that hard. My goal is to lose that extra little belly and possibly tone up in the process.

You should be proud of me though. I avoided the 1800 calorie Chipotle burrito and opted for a Quarter Pounder. I know...still bad but I was starving and out and about. Even with fries, it was less than half the calories of that burrito.

On another note. Today is the beginning of week 8 for Miller. I started the day out with another trip to the OB/GYN for a follow-up to my last follow-up. My episiotomy tear is still not healing so they put a little silvernitrate on it today. Yeow! That stuff burns and honestly, I feel worse right now than before they "burned me." I hope it heals up in a couple days because this is getting really old. Upside to my visit was I am down 5 lbs from my original pre-prego weight.

The ladies all swooned over Miller and I kept getting told he looks like his daddy. He scratched his face yesterday with his razor-like fingernails and I don't know what possesses people to tell me he scratched himself. No shit Shirlock. I can see that and I already filed his nails. They grow faster than you can imagine and honestly, no matter how often you file them, he still seems to find an angle to slice himself open. Even the cashier at Babies R Us mentioned it. As long as they don't scar, it's ok with me. Maybe the munchkin will learn to quit scratching himself.

Speaking of the munchkin; he's waking up and needs to eat again.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Day 1 of Torture (I mean exercise)

Instead of waiting for tomorrow to begin my exercise program; I started today. I found a 4 day postpartum workout online. I am going to give it a shot and see what happens. For day one, it focused on legs (which also worked the abs a little). I know one thing for sure-I am not flexible and I think the exercises work more than they intended since I am so out of shape.

Day two is strictly abs. Day three is arms and upper body. Day four looks like one I will try but possibly skip and find something else to do. Anything that starts with push-ups scares me! It took me about 20 minutes to go through today so if they all take about that much time I should be able to stick with it for a few weeks. I am going to try to squeeze in another walk this evening if the weather permits.

Wish me luck. If you find any good exercises, dvds, or online items-pass them my way please!

Monday, July 28, 2008

I Take That Back

I take back the statement that I wouldn't be walking right away. It rained diamonds (seriously, it looked like the lake was being scattered with diamonds this evening). The rain drops were so large and far apart I could have walked outside across the yard without a single on touching me. Then the heavens opened and it poured for a good half hour. Afterwards, I decided it "looked" like it was cool outside and the bugs hadn't yet come out so I decided to take Annie for a walk.

We walked the mile loop (me in my stupid flip flops) in under 15 minutes so we were moving at a pretty good pace. The rain left puddles so deep my feet were soaked (good thing for flip flops) and so was my butt! Yes, my flip flops kicked up and splashed water all the way up my legs to my butt. I squeaked for about a half mile stretch too.

It felt good to be outside with the fresh air and moving again. I don't know the temperature but it was perfect. If we could have more evenings like this, I would walk Annie every night. She didn't even pull my arm off. Miller stayed home with Ryan to listen to him practicing guitar. Fine with's easier to walk Annie fast than to push the stroller fast.

I figure I will up it to two miles in the near future. I will also make sure I wear tennis shoes. Ah, starting to feel like the old me. Now the great debate is whether to have a glass of wine after my bottle of water or not.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Time for Motivation

Wednesday is the beginning of week 8 since Miller's birth and I no longer can use the excuse that I just had a baby to keep me from exercising. Pregnancy was 10 months filled with excuses and now I have decided it's time to clean up my act and establish a routine before I go back to work.

#1 on my list-adding fruits and veggies as snacks back into my daily eating routine. I have dropped back into eating when I have a chance and not 3 meals with snacks in between.
#2-time to up the water intake again. I was doing super well and then dropped back to drinking hardly any water.
#3-infuse some exercise at least every other day (ideally every day for a few minutes but I am being realistic).

The dilema is the exercise routine. I figured I could pull out the ol' Tae Bo tapes, mix it up with some stomach exercises, and round it out with some free weights for my upper body/arms. I know I will be frustrated and bored with the tae bo tapes so I am going to start looking for some other dvd's or suggestions from you. I have good intentions but I need to start with something that's 20-30 minutes in length. I liked the idea of jumping rope but I think my boobs would give me a black eye no matter how many sports bras I wear. The weighted hoola hoop sounds fun but I don't have room in the house and would I really go outside to do it...I doubt it.

I figure the first two items will be easy to pick back up as good habits. The third is going to be a constant struggle for me. Once it's cooler outside, I can take Miller for more walks but right now, he would either burn to a crisp or melt (same goes for me).

Friday, July 25, 2008


Miller had his first haircut while Emily was here. The above picture depicts the first clipping. He had it trimmed around his ears and the back. He was pretty good (and only 6 weeks old!). My stylist said it was her youngest client so far.
This photo shows how much he has grown! That puppy love onesie was purchased for a dollar at Target and fit him when he came home from the hospital for the first week or two. Now he is moving into 3 month sizes. Hard to believe that little guy can grow that fast.

This post was a little lame but I did promise some pictures. Nothing too crazy. I am still trying to capture a smile but my camera is too slow. He doesn't quite say "cheese" on command and hold it.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

How Many?

Guess how many: (count as of 3pm today)

1) # of outfits Miller peed through today
2) # of times Miller peed on Erin (and she had to change clothes)
3) # of times Miller peed on changing table
4) # of times Miller peed on swing
5) # of times Erin wanted to leave Miller naked in sink

Answers: 1) 3 , 2) 1, 3) 1, 4) 1, 5) too many to count

Miller had a rough morning. All of those counts literally took place between 9 and 11:30 am this morning. The little stinker had a tough time keeping his potty in his diaper. On top of the accidents, he misses all the action and attention from Auntie Em and our previous guests. He thinks the only way to nap is on my chest. I finally got him in his chair so I could get a few chores done.

So far I have accomplished:
1) paying bills
2) writing thank you's
3) wrapping Shannon's presents
4) picking up main part of house
5) cleaning bathroom
6) making meal plan
7) writing grocery list
8) starting laundry
9) watching 2 episodes of Grey's anatomy (yes Bridget, I am finally watching season 1 during feedings)

Tomorrow Connie and Shannon are coming for a visit. Other than that, I think Miller and I are going to be sloths and just hang out napping, reading, watching tv, etc. I need some down time.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Bye Bye Auntie Em

Auntie Em's visit came to an end today. Both Miller and I were sad to see her go. She was a great help with him and truly loves her new nephew :) I was impressed by her involvement and natural knack for calming him down. She didn't have a poop blow out on her clothes like Pete and I but she did get peed on. I will try to post some pictures later tonight or tomorrow.

Miller continued to work on some of his "firsts" this weekend. He was caught holding onto his pacifier and trying to guide/keep it in his mouth. He is also starting to smile more and more based on stimuli other than pooping. He moved up to a medium speed nipple on his bottle. While Emily was here we took many trips to retail stores and restaurants. He is becoming more active and human like. Our guess is he might sleep through the night sometime this week-wishful thinking or hopeful anticipation on our part?

I thought I had more to post but so far, nothing too exciting. Tomorrow's goal is to get the house cleaned back up and do some laundry. Before the weekend I need to pay bills, fill out daycare paper work and some other paper work to receive MIller's legal copy of his birth certificate. I also have to wrap up my shopping (and wrap my gifts) for Shannon's shower. The recipe task is still on my list but on the back burner. I would also like to be a complete bum since I need to work on healing myself. The doctor told me I am doing too much. Argh-I can't just sit around and eat bon bons all day!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Miller's Big Week

This week has been a busy one for Miller. First, Auntie Em came to visit. She has been super with him. With her extra help he has been out for a haircut, several lunches, to bowling again, and to Boca for some shopping.

I was amazed at how well he did out and about but also how random strangers (old women, children, and even men) stop to check him out. So far, I didn't receive any weird looks when asked his name. In fact, I had some compliments.

Now that I am one of "those" women out in public with my baby and a stroller, I notice many more women out with strollers. Granted, during the daytime on a weekday, who else besides old retirees would be out shopping? I keep checking them out to see if I have too many things on my stroller, if I should be talking to him (and if I look stupid when I do talk to him), where they stop to feed, etc. So far, I think I blend in with the others. Thank goodness.

This kid has a very full social calendar. I am worn out from carting him around but am glad that I have been able to do it with a little assistance on the "firsts" so that I didn't have a complete meltdown. I have taken him a few places on my own but having another adult around to assist incase I start to panic helps. Yesterday at the mall, I had to pee. I waited and waited for the bathroom in Old Navy (one stall) and the lady didn't come out. She flushed twice and still hadn't gotten to the point of washing her hands so I decided it wouldn't be safe to breathe that air even if she came out. Miller was starting to fuss and needed to eat. Instead of peeing my pants; Jess offered to start feeding him. I felt bad and had to be convinced it was ok to let her start while I went in search of a bathroom. I still feel like he is my child and I should have to do the "work" but forget how I liked helping my other friends feed and take care of their babies. To others, it's not work since it isn't 24/7.

Grandma and Grandpa Sladky arrived this morning so it will be another couple days of adventures. I should go see what trouble they are up to.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

My 6 Week Check-up

I went for my 6 week check up today. Nothing changes at my Dr.'s office. I went to the upstairs office, asked if I had an appt with that doctor because I wasn't sure who it was with. I was told I was in the right place but she was tied up in surgery. Half an hour later they told me nope, I am really supposed to see another doctor downstairs and to go down there. ARGH! I specifically asked when I checked in. What's the point of checking in if they don't confirm I have an appt with that doctor at that time.

*Semi-gross detail with caution*
I got in fairly quick since I was technically a half hour late. The scale at the dr.'s office confirmed I am 3 lbs lighter than pre-pregnancy...YIPPEE!!! Now, just need to tone and lose the remaining "belly." Then I sat in my gown for almost 45 minutes with my boobs leaking all over. Not a fun wait. The doctor was pleasurable and answered my questions. She also confirmed that my episiotomy is still not healed. She proceeded to grab a mirror and show me what is still open (size of a dime or more) and the internal stitch that was sorta holding things semi-together. I go back in two weeks for another check up. At least I get another week or two of paid leave from work for the paper work they filled out (another 20 minute wait). Gotta love that office.

On a side note, it looks like Miller's eye infection is back. If it isn't better in the morning; we will call his pediatrician again. Poor guy. Eye boogers suck.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Auntie Em

Auntie Em comes tomorrow to visit Miller! I don't know who is more excited, her or I? I haven't seen my sister since Christmas; which was a trying time since I was pregnant and not feeling 100% in the spirit of Christmas.

We have a few things planned while she is here (shopping, haircut, dr. appt, wine night). I am sure Miller will have another photo session with her. Then my parents come on Saturday to visit Em but they also are chomping at the bit to see Miller. Previously I posted we had been replaced by a dog and cat. I think their dog and cat still rank up there but Miller might have just taken over the number 1 spot.

Luckily, the house isn't in too bad of shape. I think I can do a quick swiffer to pick up some of Annie's hair (she had a bath yesterday and sheds like a dandelion afterwards). The rest of the house is looking ok. I have a couple loads of laundry to finish and that darn paper work for daycare that has been looming over my head. It is a gazillion pages to fill out and almost every page asks for the same info. I wish I could do it electronically.

Other than that, I need to fill in the baby book, photocopy and organize some recipes (next week's chore), and print up some paper work for work that they need from my doctor visit. Number one goal today-finish a book. Miller and I would like a low key day. I had a low key day yesterday but got sucked into watching the "Run's House" marathon. I am addicted. I think that show is hilarious. They seem so normal even though they are loaded. Ryan reminded me most families are normal-it's just Brittany Spears that is a whack job celebrity.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Days of the Week

Now that I am a stay at home mom on maternity leave; I have a hard time knowing what day of the week it is. Today was Saturday which meant cleaning house and laundry since I didn't finish it during the week. Ryan worked like a dog (not our dog-she's lazy) in the yard today. I will get back to this in a minute.

Last night at 11 something I let Annie out for her night time potty break. Jazzy normally goes out in the porch to check things out. Well, last night she decided to pounce on something and a few minutes later I went to chase her inside BUT she was outside the porch! She broke through the screen and was out on a joy ride! Luckily, she didn't run too fast but I caught her over by the hose.

Today, Ryan had to rescreen our porch (not a fun chore; especially in 90+ weather). I felt bad for him but it needed to be done since Jazzy completely destroyed a portion of the screen. She was not happy waiting for him to redo it. She wanted to be in her porch. By noon time she was able to return to her domain.

I cleaned house and did laundry. Tonight I made a delicious shrimp dinner. We are tuckered out and trying to get Miller down. Ah....not the normal Saturday but close enough. Miller was a good baby today.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Miller Stats

Today was Miller's one month check up with his pediatrician. Here are the stats:

Weight-now up to 10 lbs 7.5 ozs. That's almost 3 full pounds he has gained since birth! He moved up from the 50th percentil to the 75th. Right on track according to the doctor.

Height-now 23 3/4 inches. Another 6 1/4 inches and he will be half as tall as Jess. He grew 2 1/4 inches since birth. Needless to say, he was off the charts on height to begin with and still is.

He had his second hepatitis shot today. I was dreading it but what a trooper! Ryan held him still, the nurse was spectacular and snuck in a quick shot, and NO TEARS (from Miller or Mom). I made sure I couldn't see it. I hate needles and shots for myself and couldn't bare to watch them torture my baby. Thank goodness it wasn't bad. Next month is the 3 shots and one oral he has to take. That will be the rough one.

Other than that, he is healthy and doing great. I really like the doctor's office. The staff is wonderful and the doctor is great. Next week is my 6 week check up with the icky doctor. I already know I won't be posting a glorious tribute to that office or doctor. Maybe the stars will align but I don't expect miracles.

Side note-Miller went to bowling last night and was amazingly good. It was super noisy and he didn't seem bothered by it at all. He was a chic magnet for Jerry (all the ladies wanted to see him). Ryan and I had to do one diaper change and I fed him his bottle there. Not too shabby.

He better sleep like a champ tonight because he has been up almost all day. I think he napped a total of 2-3 hours since he woke up at 8 this morning. Wishful thinking?

Thursday, July 10, 2008

See Pictures

This picture depicts what I have been feeling lately (and doing). As Ryan has mentioned, the first 4 weeks have been a little rough but we are starting to get things figured out and so is Miller. We have officially entered week 5 of his life. He is starting to smile and become a much more active little guy. He has had a week of many firsts. Grandma and Grandpa Froyd were here to experience them with us.

This is a picture of him at his first dinner out (Bubba Gumps down on Ft. Lauderdale Beach). As you can see, he wasn't very moved by the ocean view or the seafood.

For the 4th of July, he wanted to model his "All American Baby" t-shirt from Grandma Sladky. Yes, that is him waving his middle finger in the air like Kid Rock. We have the "All American Bad-Ass" baby. He loves to show that finger to us all the time. Hopefully he stops that habit before he goes to school. It does beat sucking his thumb!

Overall life has been busy with feedings, diaper changes, small windows of sleep, and chores. I never thought staying home and taking care of a baby could be so much work. I think it's because I am at his every little whim still. We have no routine other than him waiting for me to be busy and then he starts crying (like right now!).

I will try to post more later this week.

BTW, he did give me a real smile today not related to pooping or farting. It was very precious and wish I had it on video or he would have held it for a picture.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Happy Belated 1st B-Day!

I am a day late but Happy 1st Birthday Valerie! I am sure mom and dad spoiled you with a b-day party. They better send some pictures of you with your cake!

On a side note, I will post later with pictures. Miller and I have been busy with firsts this week. Grandma and Grandpa Froyd are here and helping us take those milestone steps :)

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Big Day Out

Today was a big day for Miller and Erin.

First, Ryan and I left Miller at home with Grandpa and Grandma Froyd while we ran to Home Depot and Bed Bath and Beyond. (we were probably gone 45 minutes to an hour but I did ask Ryan at one point if his parents had his cell number and his phone was on.) I wasn't so much worried about him, but I was worried about him getting cranky and his parents having to deal with him.

Second, Miller and I took a big solo trip to KU to visit my coworkers. Two were in town from Chicago and everyone had been bugging me to bring the little guy in. He was very good and slept most of the time. It was my first outing with him alone. I had to be a big girl and load him and the stroller without Ryan's help. It's not so bad but I do think an SUV (hint hint even though gas prices would kill us) would make the stroller portion easier. I had to change him on my desk and he did not like that. We were both sweaty and steamy from being on display. He won everyone over with his head of hair, long limbs, and giant feet/hands. I was told several times he looks like a much older baby.

Third first for me...I was recognized by other employees in the elevator because they did a "Superstar" tribute to me at our annual roadshow. I wasn't there to see my video or hear what was said but I am really self conscious about it. I remember being interviewed and filmed but I felt like a major dork. Either way, it was very weird.

I am utterly exhausted. Miller is sleeping in Grandpa's arms. They are watching a movie so I am going to take advantage of it and go to bed early. Lots to do before the 4th in preparation for our annual shin-dig.

Later Gator!

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Do Not Jinx a Good Thing

This post is not meant to jinx us so please God, do not rebel after reading this!

For the past couple days/nights, Miller has been much better at sleeping at night. I know this will cause a godsmack but I wanted to post something positive about the little guy. He is more alert now, following sounds and sort of following images/us when we move slowly. His neck is getting stronger and it's funny to watch him try to move his head even though it is still to heavy for him.

Grandma and Grandpa Froyd are coming today for their first visit. I am sure there will be more spoiling and cuddle time. Grandma Sladky was here Saturday through Monday and Miller received lots of hugs and kisses. I don't think this child will ever go without love (even when he screams bloody murder at 3am).

Time to finish up the cleaning.