The house looks like a war zone. After a week of 2 spotted dogs, a nasty cat, grandparents that spoil Miller rotten, an aunt who also spoils Miller rotten, presents that need homes, and general dust and grime, my house needs some tender loving care. I probably won't get to any deep cleaning until Wednesday but even picking up stuff and trying to put things away is a task in and of itself. I did manage to take down all of the Christmas decorations. The tree just needs to be disassembled and boxed up. All the ornaments are safely packed away for another year.
One of my "gifts" that I decided to give myself and have family contribute to is a bathroom remodel. Most of the accessories are purchased. I need to go get the hardware and we can proceed with fixing the walls and painting. I came home today to see my chair rails and base boards had been ripped off the walls. All of the hardware was also down. I guess Ryan's XBox 360 taking a nose dive yesterday sped things up. I can't wait to continue and get this room done.
It was the first room we remodeled (painted/changed) when we moved in. I love what we did but I am over the color scheme. What spurred this decision along was a very drippy faucet in the shower that requires the hardware removed before it can be fixed. I figured if we are doing that much; what the hell. Let's do it up! Not to mention I just needed a change and have some uber itches in the home fixing department.
Notice I said "Let's" in the previous paragraph. I plan on assisting but Ryan will argue that he will do 90% of the work. I know I will get stuck sanding, masking, painting, and holding. Plus, I have to pick out all of the stuff to bring it all together. It's probably true about the 90% but I had the vision, doesn't that count?
Anyhow, it was a nice surprise to see this started. I had a long but productive day at work today. I started organizing my 2009 stuff (folders, email, PTO tracking sheets, etc.). I am still dragging feet on my appraisal and employee reviews. I might go try to tackle my rough draft...or not. The house seems like a priority.