The Stars Are Out of Alignment
Something in the Cosmos is off and I can't quite figure it out. I have been trying to stay optimistic and positive about things going on in my life and for some reason, shit just keeps piling on. Work sucks but I am not even going to go down that road. All I can say no good deed goes unpunished. Seriously, how can everything be wrong all the time? The car situation was crap but at least Ryan's parents were here to help out. Today, I got in my car and AC was hit and miss. If that is also going to go, I am going to take the first chance it works to turn it in for a new car. I refuse to sink in more money at this point.
I thought I was being a good mom/wife today. I skipped out of work a few minutes to 5 so I could call in for my last meeting while driving. I got home early and Ryan says "You must not have gotten my message." I didn't. I needed to turn my butt around and head back towards work to pick up formula and a few other items (Barack was around the corner and I was not going anywhere near that pep rally). When I finally got to Babies R Us, I had to wait in line for 20 minutes! I called Ryan and he said skip the other errands and get home. Then we sat down for dinner and Jazzy had peed on my cushion again. So, I am washing another load of laundry tonight.
I am mentally and physically exhausted. I am thinking about taking a day off in a week or two for some sanity. The problem is I am so busy at work that it just makes that part of my life worse. I guess I have to keep thanking the miss aligned stars for a healthy baby who eats and sleeps pretty regularily and a gimpy husband who is trying to heal too fast.
Since I still have a few more chores to do, I think I am going to stay up a little longer and watch a tv show just to help numb my mind. I should be reading business requirements or drafting some use cases but I figure I am far enough behind, that it won't make that big of a difference. If I were to work for several more hours I would see the benefit and that's not going to happen tonight.