Friday, October 28, 2011


Earlier this week I had a meltdown due to crying baby. Jess offered to take Mason for a couple hours this morning so I could have some alone time. It worked out perfectly because I needed to clean the house and as you know, that's therapy for me.

I dropped off Mason at 8am and picked him up at 10:30. In typical Erin luck/karma, he slept the whole time at her house. That was the easiest babysitting gig she has probably had in years. I figured when I got home he would be a wiley little guy and crossed my fingers as I started to mop the floors. Then I crossed them even harder when I took a shower.

In untypical fashion, Mason slept until noon! Someone must have decided it was time for things to get back to a more normal pace or at least give me a break from the insanity. I have no idea what's in store for me this afternoon or evening but thank you to Jess for forcing me to accept the break she offered me and thank you to the karma god *and probably a little thanks to Mason too for getting mommy needed him to shape up.

Soon I will be off to the airport to pick up Emily. I don't know who is more excited; her or Miller.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Sleep Deprivation

Every new parent complains about sleep deprivation. Up until a couple nights ago, I thought I was doing pretty well with it. I haven't been overly grouchy. I haven't consumed a ton of caffeine to make it through the day (in fact, most days I don't have any). I haven't completely lost my mind.

I have been fighting a cold and I can't beat it. It's definitly winning with runny eyes, nose, sore throat...I know it's mostly due to sleep deprivation. At the same time, Mason has had a bout with diarrhea.

I have said he's more sensitive than Miller was and loves to be held and hates to sleep in his crib (or anywhere else). He's doing ok at night but the day time is a disaster. I have finally had enough. I don't think it's colic but he's borderline.

This of course is the time I start to doubt my abilities as a parent (btw, he's screaming right now but I am over it. I just turn up the radio louder). He doesn't seem to have the same gassy fussiness Miller had. He is just overly tired and won't stay asleep during the day. He's been awake for 5 hours with 10-20 minutes of "dozing" (in my arms of course). I know he's not hungry (no kid eats every hour!). He's dry. I have changed scenery, positions, clothing, etc. We are going to try a walk in a few minutes but that means he has to give me enough time to put clothes on and my shoes. Wish us luck because once we are home, it will start all over again.

I love the kid and the 10 seconds of smiles a day melts my heart but I am ready to go back to work. This is not enjoyable and making me feel like a terrible mom. I think the dog and cat feel the same way. Any suggestions on what to do with a spoiled baby who only loves to be held (the baby bjorn doesn't work for me-he's too big for me to actually do anything).

Monday, October 24, 2011

Weekend Recap

We had a great weekend in many ways. The weather was fabulous which spurred an impromptu Friday night gathering at our house. Connie brought a fantastic pot of soup to share and the kids (including Pete and Jerry) ran around like wild cats to burn off some steam and enjoy the fresh air.

Saturday I wasted my day at the dealership (see previous post) but Ryan was able to get a ton of yard work done. We stayed close to home which was nice after having had visitors or been away so many weekends in a row.

Sunday morning Miller and I made muffins. We bought 2 new trees for the backyard and a plant for out front by the street. I was able to make a trip to Target without kids which was a blessing. I was able to browse and skip the toy aisle along with the 20 minutes "no, you can just look, we are not purchasing" battle.

Miller and I made a thank you card and played baseball. We ate on the porch last night with the doors open to watch the game. Miller even got to stay up and watch the dinosaur (Terra Nova) tv show with us.

Although Mason's been battling diarrhea this weekend, he's been a pretty good baby. I think I am going to buy stock in Pampers and Enfamil. We seem to keep those two businesses in the black.

Yep, that's an ordinary, boring weekend at our house and I actually enjoyed it.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Volvo Experience Take 2

I love my Volvo. It has been a great car so far and I have no complaints about it. The only issue I have is with my service appointment experiences. I bought my car in Weston and did my first free service there. It was on a busy Saturday and took longer than I anticipated but not the end of the world. Since we moved, I switched dealers for service due to location/convenience. They are striking out and I will be making a point of driving to Weston for all future maintenance work.

As you may recall, a while back, I made a morning drop off appointment that they lost. Then it took them all day to finish my car and I hounded them up until they closed to get it done so I could take it home. This time, I made an appointment for 9am (oil change). Jiffy Lube can get you in and out in under an hour even when they are super busy so I told Ryan I would take it and wait there until it was done. At the 2+ hour mark I asked them what the hold up was (they had taken too many car emergencies in, short a technician, etc.). Of course by that point they claimed they had started on it. At the 2.5 hour mark I asked how much longer and received the proverbial 10-15 minute estimate. At the 3 hour mark I went and grabbed the managers card and told the lady at the desk how upset I was and that this was my last time visiting them.

I knew she couldn't do anything for me but I calmly stated my frustration and went back to give the other service lady the evil eye even though it wasn't fully her fault (she was overwhelmed and I explained I understand emergencies but appointments should be seen especially if they are here waiting. If it's going to take longer due to an emergency, tell me and I would have left and come back later). She said don't give me a bad rating on the survey. I said sorry, I know you are doing your best but I am not rating this experience well.

She got a service manager to come speak to me. He gave me his song and dance and I repeated my concern that 2 times in a row with poor service is enough. I won't be back and that I am frustrated over such a simple procedure. He apologized and told me he wouldn't charge me for my tire rotation. Good job dude but that $30 savings didn't make up for 3.5 hours of wasted time. I did get a car wash too which was nice since I really needed one but that is part of the service I get with going there so it wasn't really a "freebie" to make me feel good.

I think I am going to call the other manager on Monday and complain. Maybe I can get some more freebies or at least feel like I voiced my concerns and move on to the other dealership. It may still take me 3 hours for an oil change with driving time but hopefully I will walk away satisfied and feel that I held true to my "I am not coming back" claim.

*the icing on the cake was I was one of 4 people in the complaint department. The one lady said she loves her car but hates their service. The guy ahead of me ended up calling for a ride and left. He was peaved at the situation he was in. The lady after me had dropped her car off Friday for a Saturday morning pick up. They hadn't even done the paper work to look at it when I was leaving. They told her it wouldn't be done until Tuesday now! (She had scheduled her drop off with the guy I had last time that lost my appointment. For her's, he didn't even write down what she needed done and didn't have any contact info for her. She luckily stopped in to check on it.)

Friday, October 21, 2011


I love fall. I love it for many reasons; trees that change colors, the crisp feeling in the air, fall clothes are more appealing, and I used to associate fall with back to school.

Living in FL really reminds me how much I miss fall (we only have 2 seasons, hot and humid and hot and not so humid) but this week a cold front moved in and I am in heaven. I did some yard work last night once the boys got home from work/school. I wore a 3/4 length sweater and scarf yesterday. Today, I have the windows open and have continued what others probably consider spring cleaning. 

Jess, Mason and I sat out on the patio for lunch and some chit chat time. It was gorgeous outside. I hope it continues because this is why I live in FL. I love it!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Mother's Wish

I may not have birthed two girls but I think my mother's wish came true; "I hope you have a kid just like you." So far, Miller's stubborness and sass is probably coming from me. Mason, I thought, was too little to exhibit Erin-like qualities but I was wrong. Supposedly his lack of daytime napping is something I did as a baby. Which my mother always told me was a pain but I slept all night. I would be ok with this too if Mason slept all night but he doesn't. In fact, last night was worse than other nights this past week. Here's to my own motherly wish...please take a nap today and start sleeping through the night or at least in longer stints.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Weekend Review

Friday we headed up to my parent's house for a fun filled weekend. Rather than be wordy, here are the pictures we took (but first, a sneak peak at someone's halloween costume). We went to Sweetwater Farm for some action packed farm fun (corn maze, hay ride, hay climbing, potato cannon, pumpkins, etc.) and then to Busch Gardens for some new thrill rides (Miller met a new height milestone). Yes, he went on that roller coaster!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Mason 5 Week Stats

Mason is a good eater. That's all his stats tell me.

Height: 23 inches (75th percentile)
Weight: 12 lbs 8 oz (95th percentile) He has gained almost 4 pounds since birth!

Miller was taller (23 3/4 inches) and weighed around 10 lbs something at this time. Who knows how they will pan out over time but so far, Mason is the heavy weight of the family.

In addition to a 5 week checkup, we took a road trip to G&G Sladky's this weekend. Tomorrow's post will detail out the pumpkin patch/farm fun and a trip to Busch Gardens. These kids are spoiled. I never did this kind of stuff at their age.

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Although one should not compare their eldest with their youngest Ryan and I find ourselves noticing what's different between the kids. I have decided Mason is "sensitive" and definitely more fussy than Miller was. Maybe it's selective memory but I feel like Mason cries a lot more and the moments of peace are only in 10-20 minute bursts throughout the day. Just like now. He should be sleeping but after about 10 minutes of quiet (which came after a 20 minute bought with full blown hysterics) he's back at it. He's dry. He's been fed. He shouldn't have any gas left except this crying keeps introducing it to him more than what's in his food. Argh!

I better go see what's troubling him this time. I am sure he just wants to be held.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Mason has started to show more interest in his toys. We never bought Miller a mat with the dangly toys when he was a baby as he was cool with the ones on his swing and bouncer. Mason, not so much. He seems to love having them held over him so I put out a call for a play mat to borrow. Shannon had one and dropped it off today. The little guy wasn't in the mood for playing while she was here but shortly after our guests left, he decided it was the best toy ever. Thanks Shannon, Rylee, and Connie!

Rylee will have to come back to see him play with it. She was so excited and he was too crabby to show her the fun side of babies. She did get a chance to hold him (while he grumbled). She also had a chance to help burp him. It sure is nice having all these little munchkin helpers around. They are turning out to be excellent big brothers and sisters.

Thanks again for letting us borrow the play mat and for the quick visit!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Grandma and Grandpa Froyd Week

This past week Grandma and Grandpa Froyd were here to visit Mason and Miller. Both kids were spoiled rotten. Isn't that what G&G's are for?

Miller had plenty of play time with everyone this week. He played super heroes with Grandpa several times. They went on many walks. He got some new *flip flops. He put together a new puzzle, read books and played board games with Grandma. Oh, and they made rice krispy bars and eggs. Earlier in the week our trip to the Science Museum was a bust due to remodeling. We made the best of it though and turned that day into a park and picinic day. We also made a trip to the nearby park between rain showers to explore for dinosaurs and fight fires. Unfortunately the weather didn't work to our advantage and our plans for a trip to the zoo were foiled. It's a good thing G&G had boys because they are much more imaginative than I am for keeping Miller entertained and out of trouble. He needed to run and with the rain it was a challenge.

As for Mason, he got some new clothes and toy keys that he loves. They play music, rattle, etc. His spoiling came in the form of lots of loves and holding. G&G were a great set of hands to hold him and comfort him. It was nice to be able to go the bathroom without a crying baby rushing me. We didn't take as many pics as I had hoped. I am terrible at remembering to "capture" the moment.

We all noted how much Mason is growing in just one week. He went from a wobbly neck baby to a semi-wobbly neck baby. He also was watching and following objects more closely by the time they left. It's amazing how quickly they grow.

Miller has also amazed me with his "love" for Mason. Yesterday he came home, held him until his arm was tired and then proceeded to comfort and play with him while I was busy doing other things.

Mason's crying so I will have to post other pics later.

Saturday, October 01, 2011

Creative Saturday and Random Pics

Miller had a birthday party to attend today. I usually try to have him make a card. Sometimes we are successful and he's into it; other days, not so much. Today I lucked out. He had two cards to make (brother and sister b-day party). While he cut paper I cut some shapes for another card. He was into helping me glue so we made a flower for the girl's card and then put some stickers on it. When he went to sign it; he suprised me with knowing the letters of his name.

I said something along the lines of sign your name and said M...then he said I. I said L, he mumbled something and then E, R. I asked, "Did you just spell your name?" He replied with a solid "Yes." I was shocked. I knew he was working on letters but no idea he actually is starting to get his name down. It's probably normal for this age but I thought it was pretty darn good. Of course he only repeats it when he wants to.

Then he wanted to do something for the boy so we made a dump truck. It's sad to think that I was pumped to create these cards and they are far from masterpieces but I think they turned out. Take a peek at the dump truck (inside includes a ton of stickers, some "writing" from Miller, and more stickers):

After that adventure I started cleaning the house. Miller was tossing his football into the baby car seat. Then he started pushing the swing so I went out on a limb and said he should put his "Teddy" in there (yes, Teddy is a teddy bear. We keep the names pretty simple here.) He put him in and then he decided to put him in the car seat. He strapped him in. Then he told me he was hungry so I got him a bottle to play with. Mr. Observant was upset because the bottle was a drop-in and didn't have a bottom. We don't use those so he thought it was broken. Then he decided he needed a diaper "back pack" so he got that down and packed some wipes (an empty container), his bottle and Teddy. I think he was mimicking Ryan using the Baby Bjorn by stuffing the bear in it otherwise I am not so sure he is ready to take care of real baby. LOL! He proceeded to take care of that silly bear for a good half hour. "Mom, he's hungry. Mom, he's wet. Mom, he's happy. Mom, he's crying I need to check his diaper again." Then I find him putting a coaster down and the bottle on it "for when he's hungry and I need to feed him again." At least he's got our routine down and cleanly about it.

Here is a picture of Mason to tide you over: