Ph.D. ?
When I was taking classes I was asked by several teachers if I was going to continue on to get my Ph.D. I laughed and thought to myself, no way. Then I considered it for a split second thinking later in life it would be another goal to obtain. My hubby had mentioned he would divorce me if I pursued it because I put him through 18 months without a "wife" working on my Masters while working full time (and then some).
Today I had a co-worker ask me if I was going to get my Ph.D. I said nope and he asked why. I mentioned the threat of divorce from my husband. He laughed and said, seriously, you need to think about it. Hmmm....I don't see myself as a Ph.D. candidate but it would be fun to have that degree. What would I get it in? When would I find the time to do it? I would like to have kids first but then again, who wants to wait 18+ years to go back to school? Maybe once I have kids in school I could start a program and do homework with them?
Oh, the possibility is tantilizing but I think I need to stop working so hard and enjoy life. As a side note...he even made me consider which schools "not to attend" because "you are too smart to get a degree of that magnitude from a non-prestigious school." Then the "do you know how many doors this could open for you" comment was thrown in. That was the dream crasher. Hmmm...I have 2 bachelor's and a master's. Granted, none of them are from prestigious schools but considering my interviews...schools never came up. I guess this is something to ponder on the side.
For now...I just have to get through the next 3 weeks of teaching. I am slacking so much. I need to get this unit's reading done and catch up on some grades. Nice, I have turned into a slacker teacher already!