Walking Conditions
Last week when I walked it was 99.9% humidity and hot. I was sweaty and those darn knats were sticking to me. Tonight, it was substantially cooler but the bugs were out in full force. I had a crappy day at work and didn't want to walk but once I got my shoes on and was out the door with the hound and friend, I was ready to walk the normal distance. We quickly decided both of us had too much to do tonight so we would walk half our normal distance (which is usually around 4 miles). Well, halfway through the 2 miler, we decided to cut a couple blocks off since the bugs were so bad. It is one thing to have them stick to your sweat but having them fly in your eyes, nose, and mouth was plain ol' disgusting. I had to floss them out of my teeth when I got home! Yuck!!!
what are knats?
Knats are the kind of bugs that that fly around knomes I think...They are knarly little bugs that knaw at your skin, until you could be mistaken for a knu. You need a knat catcher to catch them.
No, no, no. Knats are what you do when gnitting; they're kinda like gnots, but smaller. D'ya gnow what I mean?
I thought I changed it to gnats...dang spell check and my attempts at proper spelling!
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