Friday night was uneventful, just cooked some new grub and watched some
tv shows from earlier in the week. Today, I got up and cleaned the house from top to bottom, paid bills, did 5 loads of laundry (2 more to go still), went to the dog park, and to
Sawgrass. That classifies as a workout for me.
The cleaning alone works up a sweat. Then I went to the dog park and walked for over an hour. Next, I
swang by
Sawgrass to look for a shirt for graduation but ended up trekking half way across the mall to Target to get the stuff I really needed. Then, after purchasing too much stuff including a gallon of water, I had to trek back across the parking lot. For those of you that don't know how big
Sawgrass Mills Mall is...that little trek back and forth was probably a couple miles or more (carrying shopping bags). This more than makes up for missing Thursday nights workout. Now, if I can refrain from drinking tonight, it will be a super success.