Friday, August 30, 2013

New Routine

With Miller in kindergarten, we have had to switch up the morning routine. It's been 2 weeks and I think we are getting it figured out.

For Ryan, he still gets up at the same time. If anything has changed it's that he no longer has to pack cold lunch for Miller two days a week. Most days Mason is up before the alarm goes off but if not, he gets the same wakeup call he used to when we left for school at 6:45. Miller would sleep later but has discovered if he gets up at the same time, eats and gets dressed, he has time to watch tv or play.

Me, well my world has flipped. I am getting up earlier and running at 6am 3 days a week. Then I try to sneak in a shower while the kids watch tv but it never fails that Mason wants to wrestle, play, interrupt my shower, etc. Oh well, at least I get to hose off. Looks like I now get cold lunch duty (can't complain too much as long as we have something to pack). Then we rush out the door for the drop-off process.

The nice part of it is I get to actually see the kids in the morning (even though it's a little crazy). I think we might have convinced Ryan to bring Mason to school every Friday at his normal time so I can walk Miller to school. He really likes walking over and so do I. Today we had time to color a picture before leaving for school. Since he loses out on the one on one time he used to get in the evenings (Mason no longer goes to bed first) it's a nice time together.

Just when we get this routine down, it will be time to change again. LOL!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Wild Hair or Hare; You Pick

Ryan and I decided it's time to clean house again and that means "get rid of shit." Since our yard/garage/rummage sale was a terrible experience last time, we figured we didn't learn enough to not try it again. That's right, we are going to give it another whirl. Although it was work, it was hot, and we got totally shafted, we did get rid of 99% of our stuff. So...

Today I went through the kids clothes. Miller's down to nothing and Mason is plum full of hand me downs. Caleb will be receiving a good size garbage bag of pants, some t-shirts, and a few other odds and ends. I cleaned out their books but that's as far as I got. (It's about a dozen board books that neither kid liked because they were bought at the wrong time for their age.)

I have a couple totes of clothes to double check before they are in the "to sell pile." I am going to be better prepared for those garage sale whores. I refuse to be completely taken this time around. If anyone has stuff to sell or wants to swing by for a couple hours to help watch the kids or the sell some merchandise, you are more than welcome to join in. We haven't picked a day but my gut tells me it will be Saturday to get it over with.

Current merchandise on the sale include the following (if you want it, let me know, first come first serve):

Pack 'n' play
Stroller with infant car seat and 2 bases
Winnie the Poo push toy (never used outside)
Bumbo (hardly used since Mason's meaty thighs never fit in it)
Booster seat
Musical rocking elephant
Kids toys (baby to 24 months)
Clothes (mostly 24 months to 3T - most of the 2T is off to someone else)

Just checking to see if you actually read that last one. LOL! :)

Monday, August 19, 2013

Miller's First Day of Kindergarten

Today is the first day of school and by first day of school, I mean KINDERGARTEN! Miller is officially in elementary school. I have kept a brave face for weeks on this but in all honesty, I was a nervous wreck this morning. I know he will be fine and have a great first day. Here's a few pics of my big boy.

Ryan took Mason to daycare this morning so Miller and I could walk to school together. That meant Mason was up at normal time and had to take his picture inside since it was still dark out. Here are a few of this big boy moving up to the 2 year old room today.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Update Time

It's time for a quick update and a little vent session.

Mason is still fighting us on the bed time situation but he is sleeping a little longer once he goes down. It's so frustrating. I can't wait to get my evenings back and be more well rested. The household will eventually return to one with less tension, right?

We had fun at Norah's 4th birthday party this weekend. Hard to believe the kids are growing up so fast.

Ryan and I celebrated our 12 year anniversary. We went to Cap's Place for dinner. It was a nice evening out and the food was fantastic. We bought each other the same anniversary card. I guess that says something about us being united. LOL!

As for my quick vent session...does anyone have a job where they don't deal with morons on a daily basis? I keep finding myself having to play super sleuth on curriculum for professors that are too lazy to do their own job and then they get all huffy when I question them. How fricken hard it is to label a file attachment with the module it goes to? How hard is it to put the student's name in the email where you tell me they are having a problem? I am not a mind reader. Oh and I also don't work 24/7 so quit asking for things on the weekend and getting all up in arms when they haven't been completed by Monday morning. Argh!

Friday, August 02, 2013

Waste of a Sick Day

Mason was up most of last night (again). I had already been pondering the idea of calling in sick today and that sealed the deal.

Unfortunately, my grand idea of having a day off without the kids around to either get a ton of things done around the house or run some errands was actually foiled by the lack of sleep. I didn't want to do anything today but take a nap.

I worked for a few hours, met Ryan and Jon for lunch, and slowly tackled a few things around the house. Bleh. It was nice to relax a little but it wasn't my idea of a recovery day.

One of the chores I did accomplish was finding some pics of Mason as a baby to get printed and put in some new frames I bought. Now I just need to sweet talk Ryan into hanging them up. Maybe I am on a roll and will actually make my cornice this weekend...maybe....