Sunday, September 21, 2014

First Grade, Growing, and All that Jazz

I don't think I posted back to school pics here since I hit up Facebook instead.

Miller is in the dual language program at his school (it's a pilot). He has 1.5 of the 3 hour block dedicated to reading, writing, and social studies in Spanish and the other half in English. Then he spends the rest of the day using English for math, science, and whatever else they do. His main teacher is the Spanish speaking teacher so he's immersed/exposed to it more than the other class (they have 2 classes of 18 that switch for that period of time) which helps, I think.

We are five weeks into the school year and I think he's doing a great job. He's picking up and reciting more things in Spanish. Ryan and I are app dependent for quite a bit to make sure we are saying things correctly.

He's reading more fluently (English) and appears to really do well with math. We don't have our first conference until the middle of October but so far, it's not affecting him negatively which was my main concern.

He got to take Mooch the Monkey (or something like that home) this weekend. The teacher gives the Ty beanie out to one kid each week that has earned it for being student of the week. Miller said he received it because he tried the hardest to learn Spanish this week. Whoot woo! Except now I have to help him write a short report on what he did. Always more work for me. :)

We are also working on his "Hispanic Week" report. He received Argentina as his country to research. We did a little surfing today and got the flag and map taken care of. Next weekend we will hit up foods and special facts. Then we have to decorate some doll in traditional clothing. Then, he has to give an oral report. At least they gave us plenty of time to get it done because this about drained the patience meter for me.

Mason is also soaring at school and I think he likes his big boy classroom. He is doing more and more that I forgot Miller did at that age. To us, he's still the baby in the house.

Mason has already outgrown the shoes I bought for back to school. Miller's have fallen apart. Today I dropped another hefty debit card swipe at the shoe store for new shoes. I can't believe how quickly they either outgrow or destroy them. I quit buying $20 cheap ones years ago but the more expensive ones don't seem to last either. Sigh. Darn kids.

Mason's back to school pics were adorable. Miller has his this week so I need to find him a shirt to wear. Of course he doesn't want anything nice and I am not willing to shell out a big amount of money for one pic = one time wear. Maybe he will have to wear his school polo. We will see.

Time to go figure out what else I need to prep for school this week. Fundraiser stuff came home and a wish list for extra supplies. I look forward to our taxes going up $50 per year for the school if it helps eliminate the money I shell out every month on little things here and there. Somehow I think it won't make a difference on what we send to school but it will help improve the aging buildings and lack of technology at the schools.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Mason 3 Year Old Stats

Mason's 3 year old check up was perfectly uneventful. He was weighed, measured, pottied in a cup, listened to, looked at, etc. He's on the right growing path and no shots this round.

Height: 40", 95%
Weight: 38.5 lbs, 94%

Doc said he's on track to be 6'3". Right in line with his daddy. No shorties (other than me) in this house.

Sunday, September 07, 2014

Mason's 3rd Birthday

Mason had a great 3rd birthday. He started his morning out with opening some presents from us, Miller and Auntie Em. Then we had some facetime with Grandma and Grandpa Froyd so they could watch him open their gifts.

We were then off to his party at Jumparoos. It was fun. He had 16 friends at his party. We did a train theme (shocking, I know). They bounced, had pizza and cake, a little magic show, and then bounced some more. My pics are on my phone and I am too lazy to transfer them over. Publix did a good job on the cake but our Party Champion clearly isn't good at putting candles on the cake. The 3 was backward, she added a 4th candle, and then slipped some stupid Happy Birthday thing in between where Publix had written Happy Birthday. Oh well, I knew it was cute prior to that.

When we got home he opened the gifts from the party. He had very generous friends. It was clear there would be no nap so he played with his new loot. Dinner was uneventful, thank goodness he doesn't have wild and crazy favorite food requests for his birthday dinner! After dinner we let him open his Polar Express set from us. He was so excited!

Ryan and the boys set it up and played for over an hour in the garage. I can only watch the thing go around for about 5 minutes (tops) and I was done. It's cool but not so cool I could spend hours watching it. They were back at it this morning. Round and round, toot toot.

Today will be "find homes for toys" and a few chores. Monday, Mason has his 3 year old checkup.

Time has flown by with him. It's hard to believe he's a little boy now and not my toddling terror. Miller had a rough time as a 3 year old. I am hoping Mason has used up his trying side and from now on, he will be a little easier.

Age in general is working in our favor. He now tags along with Miller and his friends. He keeps up pretty good and isn't afraid of anything. Mason went from hanging onto the edge of the pool to now swimming/diving down to get toys. He can swim a fair distance and has learned to put his head up for air. He rides his bike (training wheels) and his new scooter (3 wheels).

Other than the obsession with trains, he also likes action figures, Ninja Turtles, and Star Wars related things. He plays "guns" and wrestles with his big brother. Even though he's a rough and tough boy, he will still snuggle with me and give me kisses. He has a soft side (Miller does too). His smile (and now his pouts) are enough to melt any heart. I love my not-so-little Masonater.