Monday, February 09, 2009


I never used to dread Monday's like the average worker. They are busy but I think I work so much over the weekend, it doesn't have the same effect. Come Friday though, I am wishing it were any other day. Friday's seem to be busy and start compounding drama between 3 and 5 pm. Does anyone else have a weird week like that or am I the weird one? Don't answer that. Answer this one instead...Does anyone else have busy days of the week that make Monday look like a walk in the park?


At 10:25 PM , Blogger MN Mom said...

I'm so more of that. But in the old days it was always Monday...worst day of the week.

At 8:17 AM , Blogger Jess said...

Monday is actually one of my "easy" days since I have a lighter class schedule then. It's Tuesdays and Thursdays I dislike.


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