Saturday, September 03, 2011


I didn't feel like I did much nesting this time around. I cleaned a few things but they seem to be items I would normally clean after a while. Since the kid isn't moving, I think I am re-nesting today. I have picked up the porch, cleaned up the kitchen, cleaned out the fridge and pantry (again), watered my plants, etc. My work computer has been cleaned up (files, work space, and transitional stuff all sent last night). Now it's time for normal cleaning.

Ryan took Miller to the track this morning to give me some time alone and I am so bored. I know I should be totally enjoying these last few moments of me time but since I don't feel like shopping or doing anything fun, it seems like a total waste. Can't I have this time in a couple weeks when I will need it most?


At 1:24 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a good sign. I cleaned the entire house the day before Elin arrived. Get prepared and you'll induce labor! Good luck! SQKR

At 6:37 PM , Blogger Jess said...

I feel for ya! I spent all of Memorial Day weekend doing stuff to try and get Caleb to come.

Hang in there! He'll be here soon!


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