Friday, February 27, 2009

Cruise Pictures

Since everyone else has posted cruise pictures and details, I am going straight to a few pictures and skipping the details. The cliff notes version is the cruise was nice. Our friends had a beautiful wedding ceremony in Key West. The days on the ship were fun (minus the constant motion sickness I fought). Ryan and I were low key and didn't stay out very late. We enjoyed our excursion in Cozumel (ATV Jungle Ride-it was super dusty but fun. I was not the slowest one in the group but I was no dare devil either). We chit chatted with friends who have moved away and are missed. Our day at sea was relaxing. It took me until Sunday to wind down and we were back in Miami early Monday morning. Go figure. Next vacation will be longer. Enjoy!


At 9:31 AM , Blogger Agate Lake Girl said...

Cute pics! Both shots of you and Ryan together are adorable and I love the one with us girls where we're all fussing about. :)

At 9:03 AM , Blogger MN Mom said...

Looks like you had a lot of needed it!

At 11:29 AM , Blogger Jess said...

That first pic with Ryan cracks me up. What a smart ass!


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