Sunday, February 24, 2008


Saturday I was a bum. I needed the whole day to recooperate from the long week in Chicago. I watched a little tv, napped, watched a little more tv, napped, repeat a few more times.

Today I figured I better get another animal painted so I tackled the elephant. He was not necessarily hard to paint but I had to free hand him and change his style a little from the bedding to make him fit the wall better. The paint fumes got to me after about 15 minutes so I took a nap and ate lunch. Then I bundled up with a towel around my face and finished him. Luckily there was no mixing paint colors and he only had two shades of blue to work with. Then I fixed the tree and a few blades of grass. Next weekend is the giraffe (or two depending on spacing). I put the light socket plates back on and feel pretty good. I just need Ryan to rehang the holders for the curtain rod so I can put the valance up. Mom helped me clean the blinds and put them up last weekend.

Ryan and I did a quick job on the house today-minimal pickup, dusting and sweeping. No deep cleaning for us-too many other projects to finish up. I sent him to the grocery store so I can get some work work done. It's going to be a long week with 3 days in work sessions.


At 5:02 PM , Blogger Crissy Rae said...

Can't wait to see the new addition to the it looks great. I really liked the monkey when I saw it.

At 9:28 AM , Blogger MN Mom said...

Everybody must have cleaning on the brain...for my husbands birthday I hired him a maid! (she's married, I am not as stupid as I look)

At 12:57 PM , Blogger Jess said...

Okay, so I got a request from some unnamed readers of yours for pictures of this project. You NEED to post some pictures of what you're doing in the baby's bedroom and show off your radical skillz. (I took a peak last Wed and I thought it looked fabulous!)

So, if Ryan won't show you how to post pics to your blog posts, ask me, and I'll tell you/show you. You are more than capable of it -- I know you can attach a file, and that's essentially all you do -- so I am looking forward to a visual to accompany your verbal description.

Oh, and good job on getting that elephant done! If you can do that, I'm sure the rigors of child-rearing will be a piece of cake :)

At 1:54 PM , Blogger Erin said...


It's more a matter of laziness than lack of knowledge. I think I can handle posting a picture or two this week :)

At 2:39 PM , Blogger Ryan said...

No. Make them wait until it is finished. It is good for them.


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