Monday, November 26, 2007

Reflection on Teaching: Round 2

As many of you know, I was pumped to start teaching. After my first term, I was even more excited to attempt a second time around and make some changes to my approach. Well, like most teachers, I fell into the trap of not enough time, the prep work was done, so I taught the same stuff again. I am really bummed out and I blame it on three things.

1) Bad class this round
2) Super busy with regular work
3) Being exhausted due to LBF brewing

I know none of these are valid excuses and in reality, they should have encouraged me to work harder on changing things up. I did make some small improvements but none of the grand ones I had hoped to make. I think I did a decent job considering how few students participated. Those that did participate loved me and gave me rave reviews. I feel like I didn't reach my own standards and that bugs me.

Oh well...hopefully round three will be better. Now I just have to decide when I want to take on round 3. Either before baby, after baby, or after I return to work...hmmm...


At 6:54 PM , Blogger Jess said...

Don't be too hard on yourself. I think it takes at least 3 times to learn how to teach a class well, and most teachers are always making changes, adjustments, etc to improve the class. And sometimes? A class just sucks. It's hard not to take it personally when a class doesn't go splendiferously, but trust me, you have to take it in stride. Otherwise, thinking over every little thing you could've done differently will make you crazy.

At 9:12 PM , Blogger Froyd said...

true. sometimes you teach the class, and sometimes the class runs roughshod over the campus pillaging and plundering.

or has that only happened to me?

At 3:08 PM , Blogger MN Mom said...

Mom's to-be need to relax---don't stress!


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