Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Hurry, Wait, Hurry, Wait

If I ever run a practice where a waiting room is involved and booking appointments, I swear on my life I would never keep people waiting for 1.5 hours to spend 10 seconds talking to them and then wishing them well. Ok, it was more like 10 minutes but still.

Ryan met me for my 10 week appointment today and I figured it would be non-monumental but I wanted him there. I hated to make him wait with me but considering I feel like crap, he could suffer a little too. I hauled butt from work and we waited, and waited, and waited, and finally the doctor came in. She asked me a couple questions, I had to ask her some so I felt like it was worth my 1.5 hour wait to talk to her, and then she slapped a little goo on the belly to take a look at LBF. All is well, big head, little body, heart beat. Thank you very much, clean up and get out.

The only saving grace is the office is next to Chipotle and although most foods make me gag after 2 bites, there is something magical about Chipotle. I ate most of my burrito bowl which was probably more calories than my last two days combined. The doctor gave me the all clear to forget about a balanced diet and eat what I could keep down. Hmm...burrito...

Oh and my official weigh in was the same as my first visit. No weight gain although things are moving and shifting.


At 8:42 PM , Blogger Jess said...

Well, if it's a Froyd baby, the doctor will always be able to pull that big head out by the ears.

Oopsie. Guess I can't refrain from the snark.

Good job on keeping the burrito down. It would be a damn shame to throw up Chipotle.

At 7:57 PM , Blogger Froyd said...

LBF loves it some south of the border food, huh? Better make sure Ryan can cook mexican for the next 7 months.

And hey, not all froyd's have gigantic ears. just the oldest one of this generation.


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