Friday, September 14, 2007


That's right folks! It's T-5 time until the next term start. They opened my section today, I received my letter of engagement, and I will commence teaching on Wednesday! I am pumped to teach a second term. They changed my class around a little so I have some homework to do this weekend (including updating my syllabus and posting some items within my class). I just hope they didn't change things up too much because I want to focus on changing the way I delivered the content. The other good news...the last week of the term is over Thanksgiving so I hope to get as much done as possible but if I need to do any final grades, I won't be at my regular job.

Sorry for the sporadic lack of posting. Work had been going well but got super busy this week. I don't see it dying down anytime soon. For the last week or so it was good stress but yesterday it turned into real stress. Hopefully it will go back to good stress soon. I had given a presentation to the COO of Academics and the VP of Strategic Initiatives this week. It went well and whether they thought it went well or not doesn't matter to me. I survived, held my own, and walked away feeling good. I have had a few other little successes this week so that helped keep me going.

I will be online much more now that the term is ramping up so I will probably post more often. If any of you read the hubby's blog, AFW...probably not happening this weekend. I got home at 7pm tonight and so did he. Tomorrow we have free concert tickets and you can't go to a concert and not drink. So, I will try to refrain from the normal copious amounts of liquor and stick with a safe amount.

Have a good weekend!


At 11:12 AM , Blogger Jess said...

Good thing you got a class...what would you do with your extra time otherwise?

At 12:07 PM , Blogger Erin said...

Clean the closets.


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