Friday, July 08, 2011

Lazy People

Since I started my new job in January, I have been introduced to one of "those" types of people that you just hate working with. The person causes more unnecessary drama because "to remain nameless" is just plain old lazy. This person likes to look important but really is so far detached from what's going on, they look stupid to everyone else who knows the truth. We receive multiple emails about the same subject that make no sense because to remain nameless hasn't stopped to listen to the information provided by the support team, read the information provided, or even really stop and think before shooting off ridiculous demands. This person thinks that firing off emails minutes after something is raised will speed up the process and make us jump through hoops when in fact, it has the opposite affect. Up until this point in time, I have just let it roll off and shake my head when it happens. Now, after countless hours of wasted time do nameless's poor work habits and inability to communicate, I am officially annoyed and putting this person on my list of not one to bend over backwards for.

As you can tell, to remain nameless wasted my morning so I felt it was time to vent. Does everyone have one of "those" people they work with?


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