Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Shared Work Space

I have my own cubicle at work but since I am only in the office 2 days a week, I know other people sit at my desk. This doesn't bother me as long as people pick up after themselves. Over the past two weeks I have observed the following and am now annoyed.

1) My post-it notes: Use them if you need them but if you use a whole pack, don't leave one for me and not replace them.
2) My Kleenex: Same as the post-it notes. If you used the last of my tissues, either leave me a note or buy me a new box but don't leave the empty box sitting on my desk as a reminder of your presence.
3) Clean-up after yourself: I do not appreciate coming in to find a salad sitting on my desk. Toss it!
4) My daily calendar: Feel free to read ahead but don't tear them off at your own free will. I like to read the ones I missed on the days I was working from home.
5) My chair: Yes, some people adjust my chair and that bugs me too. It's ok if it's a height thing but when you start messing with the back...argh!

I know these are all minor infringements on office etiquette but really? I would prefer to imagine that no one is sitting in my cube, using my headset, using my supplies, etc. Can't you just leave it like it was when you came?


At 11:11 AM , Blogger Jess said...

I wouldn't like having others use my work space. Heck, I don't even like it when the cleaning crew doesn't re-arrange my things exactly as they were!


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