Thursday, February 04, 2010

Rough Day

I started today out with an odd feeling. My morning routine was different, my drive to work was plagued with accidents, and then work had two major bombs.

The first was an announcement that one of our Deans passed away last night. He was a fantastic friend and colleague and he will be sadly missed by many of us.

The second was my peer announced his resignation today. I know it's a positive thing for him but I will miss his guidance and friendship as well.

I ended the day with 200 unread emails.

The silver lining was coming home to flowers and a cd from Miller and Ryan. It made my night.


At 6:04 AM , Blogger Jess said...

Sorry to hear about the death and resignation of your colleagues!

But, how nice to get the thoughtful flowers and CD! (Although, I think you and Ryan are the only people I know who buy CDs anymore. I think the last CD I bought was about 5 years ago.)

At 7:20 AM , Blogger Erin said...

I figured you would comment on the CD purchase. LOL!

He mentioned the bike cart we have turns into a running stroller. Maybe you want to try that out and see if it works. It won't fold up nicely like other strollers and probably isn't so secure for the little one until she's bigger but hey, if you want to give it a shot, let him know.

At 10:28 AM , Blogger Ryan said...

I am very old fashioned when it comes to buying cd's, and probably one of the few people that still does. There is something to be said for purchasing a physical object that I can open, immediatly put into a cd player in the car or at home without any computer fuckery, and read the liner notes whilst I listen to the whole thing at loud volumes. It makes me happy. That being said I refuse to pay over 10 dollars for a cd.

At 11:07 AM , Blogger Agate Lake Girl said...

So sorry to hear about the sad news.

At 12:28 PM , Blogger MN Mom said...

So sad to hear about the death of your friend.


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