Thursday, August 07, 2008

Exercise on Track

I almost feel off the wagon after only one week of exercise but today I did day 1 and 2 to catch up. That was legs and abs. Uff! Week two is always tougher than week 1 for me no matter what activity it is. I didn't get a walk in last night but I figured my 2 hours of shopping last night counted towards it.

On Regis and Kelly today, they had a hoopin lady! She was amazing and makes it look so easy. Ryan says I won't use a hula if I buy one but I am motivated after seeing that lady. She made it look fun and I really liked the "dance" quality she brought to it. I know I won't be dancin' or readin' with my hoop like that lady or Crystal anytime soon but I am going to give it a try. I have made up my mind.

Yesterday I put on the 80's channel and sang and danced with Miller. That poor boy will never know what a beautiful voice is but he will be so prepared for 80's music nights in the future! He was a pretty good dancer. He stepped on my feet a lot less often than his father would have ;)


At 1:54 PM , Blogger Jess said...

I say "hoop it up!"


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