Monday, September 24, 2007

Monday night class-part 2

Class went ok. I only had 7 students out of 21 show up. That's slightly under average but it was ok considering seminar isn't graded. They were a little shy but I think they will loosen up a little and be fun. I can say I am WAY more comfortable this round. I didn't change a whole lot up but I did "free form" some things rather than refering to my scripted notes.

The outreach I was dreading wasn't too bad either. 3/5 had actually logged in so they are the ones I had to attempt contact with. 1/3 responded to my email asking what she needed to do to get caught up and stay on track. Not too shabby!

I talked to 3 students after class. 2 are on the right track, the other...well, Tech Support will need to walk her through what I couldn't because she is computer illiterate and boarderline illiterate when it comes to the english language (or at least typing it). She asked me a few things that I really couldn't figure out. The letters weren't forming in my mind to represent a coherent thought or question. I can't tell if she is a young'n with horrible texting skills or if she really can't type. I am interested in reading her papers (if she can ever figure out how to attach them).

All in all, a good start to the term. I have 14 minutes left of office hour time and I think I am going to get ready for bed.


At 7:13 AM , Blogger Jess said...

That's good that is was a good night. One down, right?

At 7:14 AM , Blogger Jess said...

"it" is what I meant -- "it was a good night"

At 7:48 AM , Blogger Erin said...

Cripes, are you sure you aren't one of my students? J/K!

Yes, one down, 9 more weeks to go.


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