First day of class
Today was my first day of class! I think I was more excited than my students. I started today with a class roster of 22 students. Pretty decent. Add/drop week is a week long (as the name implies). I expect to see some movement but I hope it stays about this size and doesn't hit my cap of 30. The morning started out with almost half of my students on a block of some kind (FA or Missing Docs) but as of this evening, only one is still blocked!
I have had about a 1/4 of the class log in and post their introductions. I had 3 homework assignments submitted. I returned 2 of them without a grade and asked them to resubmit properly for full credit. It is scary when the first assignment asked them to download a document, answer the two questions, save it with a naming convention, and then submit it via the drop box as an attachment. Obviously, 2/3 students didn't know how to do any of this. I hope they will learn quickly. I am good at second chances for things like this once but if after this they don't get it, I will dock them points. Oh, and I have one that decided punctuation and sentences aren't required (or doesn't know how to write them) on the discussion board. I am waiting for her to post to a few peers before I explain the need for punctuation and complete sentences. It isn't a blog for crying out loud! :)
Other than that...regular insanity at work. I did stop by the mall and do a little birthday shopping for a fellow blogger. I have a little more to do because I ended up buying more for myself than for her!
Between now and Monday, I need to get my first seminar planned out (ppt and all that jazz ready) and figure out what Unit 2 has in store for me. The good thing is that I don't have to be a new teacher and try to figure out how to use the tools. That makes life much easier!
Idol results show is about to begin...I'll admit it, I am addicted. If that show didn't have Randy, Paula, Simon, or Seacrest, it would be so much better. DVR'ing it is a wonderful thing. I can fast foward during their stupid moments.
Ohhhh...b-day presents!
You're way ahead of my husband; I know he hasn't bought a single thing for me (of course is b-day is a week and I haven't bought anything for him either).
Glad your first night of class went well!
Okay, my parenthetical comment was totally whack -- clearly, I can't type. I meant to say that "his b-day is in a week."
easy way to teach:
fail all of the students except one. and give that one a C.
no one ever learned anything from an easy teacher!
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