Wednesday, October 11, 2006

7 + 5 does not = 12 inches of swimming fish!

That's right, my 7 inch and 5 inch bala sharks died last night. They were 4 years old, survived hurricane Wilma and a treacherous move to the kitchen. Last night they were gingerly moved back to their rightful home and bit the dust. I tend to think the anti-chlorine stuff I put in the water poisoned them because it is super old but I also wonder if it was just too much stress. I am saddened by their deaths for a few reasons:

1) They were monsters and about double to triple the size they were ever supposed to grow to
2) They had been with us for 4 years and appeared to live a very healthy life until I killed them
3) I think it was my fault :(

So, I still have 2 cichlids remaining in a very large tank. I would like to redo it but now I might actually consider doing away with it. I need some time to think about this one. In 3 weeks I will have nothing but time!


At 1:05 PM , Blogger Jess said...

I think four years is along life for a fish.


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