Saturday, July 29, 2006

Update on message board debate

This was the topic/question for our message board this week in class:
Today's emphasis on math and reading instruction in U.S. schools has resulted in chronic funding problems for art and music programs. Review the many sample resources and activities (page 381, course text). After doing so, do you believe that integration of these types of tools could provide a more cost-effective (and thus acceptable) approach to music and art instruction programs in schools? Why or why not?

In general, most of the class addressed the fact that for music and art, there are certain things that really should be learned hands-on. Many of the sites listed in our text book would make great additional resources / references when teaching music or art lessons because they are cost effective and can aid learning for a diverse group of students. It was fun to see teachers become passionate about the importance of the arts and stress the desire and need to not lose them from our school curriculums.

As of today, I didn't see one single response that suggested we should cut those programs or change our focus. Now, if only we could get administrators to chime in and agree...

What are your opinions related to this topic?


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