Friday, November 04, 2011

Cockroach Experience

A couple weeks ago I was startled by a giant cockroach who crossed my path at 2 or 3am (I was getting a bottle ready for Mason). I had seen a couple prior to that incident but that one was the final straw. The next day I went to battle with cleaning out drawers/cupboards and setting traps.

Other than the giant one that made an appearance this weekend it has been rather roach free in our house. I actually made a mental note of it last night when I was making a bottle. Then around 2:30am...

I was startled by a sensation on my elbow. I brushed it away. Then I felt it again. I thought it was a spider and then felt it on the hand I brushed my elbow with. I jumped up and turned on the light expecting to see a spider or something similar that was trying to sample my flesh. Nope, it was a giant cockroach! I have never been so grossed out in my life. I had the creepy crawlies after that and had a tough time going back to bed.

Time for more traps in other areas of the house. I will win this battle. Die evil cockroach, die!


At 6:56 PM , Blogger Agate Lake Girl said...

Ewww! I had one run across my foot once and that was bad enough. When we first moved here, Jon told me they didn't climb up beds. Later that night when I turned down the covers there was one on my pillow. I remember I had a hard time going to sleep that night too. :)

If the traps don't work, I recommend Orkin.

At 6:30 AM , Blogger Jess said...

OMG! For as many battles as I have waged with cockroaches, I've never had one ON me! Yowza!

At 9:24 PM , Anonymous kristi talbot said...

i think i just pee'd my pants. that is hilarious. i would have died! a couple years ago, i *almost* had a mouse fall through the vent onto my head. not funny when when it's happening to yourself.


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