Walking, Washing, and Wailing
Today should have been Wednesday for all the W's of my day.
Walking: today Mason and I walked to Walgreen's to get formula that was on sale. I was price conscious with Miller but since we started Mason on formula so early I am truly watching the ads and using coupons. Unfortunately, Sam's club doesn't carry the kind he needs until he turns 3 months. So, if anyone receives Enfamil coupons and isn't using them, please send them my way.
As for the actual walk. It was 10:30am and a little hot and humid but not too unbearable. I found out the nice sidewalk ends about a block away from home and then turns into a bumpy, uneven, tar path. On the way back, I turned down a side street and walked back down the road to avoid some of it. The walk physically wasn't too long but it did do a number on the area that should be healing. I understand why the dr. says to limit activities while one recovers...yow-ouch!
Washing: Annie got a bath today. She was super stinky and actually knew she needed it. The only problem with a clean dog is the extra shedding. It looks like a dandelion exploded in every room of the house!
I won't mention how many bottles, vials for mixing formula and breast milk, pump accessories, etc. I have washed in the last 3 weeks since Mason was born. I am sure my water bill will reflect it enough.
Wailing: I am ok with Mason being a fussy pants during normal "working or waking" hours but all day? Some days he's an angel and some he's just not happy no matter what we do. I think he took one nap today for about 40 minutes and then the time we were on the walk. Other than that, I was lucky if I went 10 minutes inbetween his little outbursts. I tried to ignore him and not pick him up but when even the dog begs you to make it stop, you pick him up. Then even being in my arms couldn't make him happy because he was so tired. Poor thing.
Miller had a bad day at school and it continued through out the evening. I know he's upset he's not getting undivided attention. Dinner has now become a time I dread. He won't eat without a battle. Tonight I lost it and hauled him off to brush his teeth and go to bed. He's lucky he has two parents so that one prevents the other from beating him. We planned on doing something with him each night before bed where Mason doesn't interrupt. Unfortunately when he won't eat dinner and we fight about it for 20 minutes, no fun is had by anyone.
As you might have guessed, all the W's led to one more. A glass of wine to go with my own whine. I may have to make it a double tonight. Mommy had a hard day at the office!
Ah, this is a tough time! It DOES get easier juggling the two of them and both their needs, just hang in there!
Caleb went through a "fussy phase" that seemed to peak at 3-6 weeks, and then after that, just got continuously easier, and now, he barely cries at all. He too would have days where I seriously held him all. day. long. It gets wearisome; I understand!
I don't have any Enfamil coupons, sorry. For some reason, I have a ton of Similac ones, though!
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