Sunday, October 04, 2009

Sick Baby-Big Boy Attitude

Miller has a fever today and a bad cough. He's been acting like a little baby. Happy one moment, fussy the next. We decided to take him out for lunch today to add some excitement to his crabbiness.

We discovered although he is sick, he's now too old to have his grilled cheese sandwich cut up into bitesize pieces. He grabbed his other half and ate almost the whole thing by himself. His fun treat was having a "go-gurt" squirted into his mouth.

After lunch we stopped and got Miller a halloween costume. Not sure if it will fit or if he will wear it but he's going to be a pirate. The main reason; so he can carry a sword of course. I wanted to make him be a train conductor but they didn't have a costume small enough (and I don't sew). The backup plan is the clown suit in the closet that both my sister and I wore as kids. Ryan doesn't realize our days of making him something cute and adorable are limited. Soon he will be independent and want to be the same super hero year after year.

He's taking a nap now so I have to get some work done. It will lessen the blow of Monday.


At 4:31 PM , Blogger Jess said...

Yeah, we figure we get two years to decide what Norah gets to be, and then it will be out of our hands.

I think Miller will be an excellent pirate; he can go study his Uncle Jon for pointers.

At 5:18 PM , Blogger Crissy Rae said...

He's gonna make an excellent little pirate, can't wait to see his little outfit. I can already picture him running around with his sword, chasing after everyone.


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