Friday, September 18, 2009

You Know You Are Old When...

It's Friday night, you have a happy hour party to go to for two friends' birthday and as much as you want to drink and socialize, you decide you would much rather take your kid home and go to bed yourself. AND that the realization of that decision was made prior to 7:30pm after you had a nice cold Miller Lite that tasted like heaven after a shit-tastic week at work.

I think I am listening to my body and not my mind tonight. I am too tired to pick up the house. Too tired to do any more work. I officially skipped my first day of exercise and don't really feel guilty about it all. I think I know I am tired and that any exercise I did tonight would be half-assed and not worth it. I am going to veg in front of the tv so I can recharge for tomorrow and the rest of the weekend.


At 9:00 AM , Blogger Jess said...

I don't think that means you're old, just tired. Hope you got the rest you needed!

At 7:49 AM , Blogger Crissy Rae said...

Hope you are feeling fully recharged!


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