Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Poor Baby (and Mom and Dad)

We knew Miller would be a walking petri dish once we sent him to DC. Overall, he's had several colds, pink eye twice, and several "owies." I would consider this pretty good after seeing the drooling monsters in action.

Add this one to the latest Miller ailments. Teething+Teething Rash+Dehydration=Unhappy Baby. The poor little guy's mouth is erupting with white islands amongst his tender gums. He's not into anything that normal babies are supposed to be into when they teeth. He hates cold things (teething rings, wash cloths, food, etc.). He isn't into chewing on things either. The last few days are the tail end of his cold but now he doesn't want to drink or eat very much. We have been monitoring him closely and broke out the syringe to get some liquid in him. He's still having wet diapers, has tears when he cries, and a moist mouth so I don't think he needs to go to the doctor yet. He has a rash all over his face.

Majority of the time he's been happy but right now, the little guy is screaming because he doesn't want to go to sleep. He doesn't have a fever, we went for a nice long walk, he's sucking his thumb but no love on sleeping. I can't take any more screaming. I am going to rescue him. Wish me luck that he goes down soon. Ryan is at work and I have a lot to do tonight still.


At 6:52 AM , Blogger MN Mom said...

Oh my God...I could cry for him! (You guys too.) It wasn't like that for Shannon when she was teething. Is this something new all kids go through now? Or do some just have a harder time than others? I surely wish no kid had to. Poor little guy. Is there anything that would help? Did you try those teething tablets? Tylenol? Doctor have any ideas? I will keep good thoughts that it will go fast.

At 7:11 AM , Blogger Jess said...

Time to break out the alcohol. I know that was the old school remedy: rub some whiskey on his gums. Perhaps it will help soothe.

And if it doesn't help him, a shot for yourself might be necessary.

At 2:11 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yup, whiskey worked for Ryan. Ryan had a terrible time with teething and at about this age also. He was about 15 months old when he had the worst bout. Cried all gets old after awhile. Have a better night tonight. Love ya, Coyote Mama/Grandma


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