Sunday, January 25, 2009

Mom and Miller Weekend

Miller and I have had a pretty good weekend together. He has another cold (or the snottiness is related to teething again) so it makes him a little more cranky than usual. In Miller terms, that totals 5-10 minutes of crying so I can't complain. He's like his mother though, zero to full out tears in .2 seconds without a warning.

He has become more mobile and discovered the magazines under the coffee table at our house and on Jess and Jerry's end table. Time to start babyproofing the house!

He enjoyed being the only boy at the girl's wine and cheese party last night. The little show off was too funny trying to charm the ladies with his drool. Plus, he and Scooter got to play and share toys. Now what little boy wouldn't love playing with a dog and getting attention from the ladies? He definitely had more fun staying home with me than he would have if he went with the boys.


At 10:57 AM , Blogger Jess said...

Magazines are the least of the worries. He can tear into those and it's no big deal. It's when he wants to try and stick something in a light socket that you have to be worried.

Scooter loves his Miller time too! If only Scooter could learn how to not take Miller's toys...

At 1:31 PM , Blogger MN Mom said...

So Miller likes the ladies


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