Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Doctor's Office Update

I fumed up until my appointment and here is how it went.

I arrived and signed in. I was called in within 10 minutes.

After my weigh in, I spoke to the nurse for a few minutes and then the doctor came right in. During our conversation, I brought up the lack of response on my voicemail I left (she was not happy to hear this-OB patients take all priorities). She mentioned that it's not an excuse but they are struggling with their nurses answering calls. Then we proceeded into me bringing up my "turn away" service yesterday. She was visibly upset and said I should not have gone home without being seen.

So, the appointment went well. I was told I am back on track with my weight gain and need to maintain a slow increase otherwise I will be over the safe zone. Interesting since I have only gained 11 lbs total, it's just that half were in the last 4 weeks! The baby measures "long" so there is no doubt he will be tall like his father. I am also on track for a 6/4-6/11 week delivery.

After we finished up with the basics, we discussed the glucose test I need to take in 2 weeks. Then she walked me out to the receptionist (Larraine is really bad). She literally chewed the office manager and Elaine a new one in front of me. The office manager was truly shocked but Elaine knew she was in deep doo doo. I think that was more for show but the doctor was pissed. They were both super nice to me (big surpise) and after a 10 minutes fiasco scheduling my next appointments (I had to tell them I need one every 2 weeks starting in April) and them looking for the directions for my glucose test, I was out the door.

I didn't vent it all and I asked Ryan if I was bitchy and he said no. I think I did balance my anger with reality and was truthful but not aggressive and angry. I feel better but am sure I will still encounter problems between now and the delivery. At least I know if I vent to my doctor, she will take action. I honestly felt like this was the first appointment where she not only discussed more with me but showed some good emotions.

It's not perfect and I still wouldn't recommend them to anyone based on their office staff but at least I didn't keep it inside.


At 8:44 PM , Blogger Crissy Rae said...

It's good to hear that, not only did you take action and talk to the doctor, but your doctor kicked some ass, too. Sounds like it was needed (and well-deserved).

Hope things go more smoothly from now can hope, right?

At 8:57 PM , Blogger Froyd said...

destroy them!

At 9:34 AM , Blogger Jess said...

I don't think you need to be worried about the weight gain -- I doubt you'll triple the weight you've gained in the next 3 months.

Are you getting nervous about the delivery? I would be. That is the thing that scares me most in life. Seriously. It totally freaks me out. Not so much pushing the baby out, but the IV and other needles that could be involved! Eek gad. Plus, I've never stayed overnight in a hospital so that freaks me out as well.

At 9:29 PM , Blogger Erin said...

Thanks for making me nervous! I am all about the drugs but it's the needles for the IV and the Epidural that freak me out. Well, not so much freak me out but definitely make me nervous and anxious. I am ready for this kid to get out of my innerds so birth doesn't sound so bad yet.

At 8:36 AM , Blogger MN Mom said...

I am proud of you! You stood up for yourself and others. That took guts. You Rock!

Warning...Look out future tormentors of LBF Mamma Bear can hold her own!


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