Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Puking and Perplexed

I am perplexed. I am 15 weeks along and told that morning sickness lessens and disappears around week 16 for most people. Yet...this week has been the worst so far! I have thrown up a couple times now (most recent was 10 minutes ago in the kitchen sink which I easily hit compared to the toilet I missed a couple days ago). I have had touch and go moments all week and have been back to eating something every 1-2 hours and choking it down to keep my stomach padded. What's up with this? All I want for Xmas is to not feel sick!

Time to google this and figure out what is going on. If I stay this way through the week of Xmas, I am calling the doctor and asking for the drugs that keep you from puking. I just want to eat, enjoy food, and not feel queasy. Is that too much to ask for?

Ryan's comment last night that went a little like this "Wow, you're belly's gettin' big!" He's right. I definitely have a round gut now. I broke out a maternity shirt today so I could cover up my unbuttoned pants at work! The pants Sheryl lent me are too big for now but give me another month or so and I will be complaining they are too small too! I will have to make a trip over the holiday break to get some work pants. LBF, the spending begins! It's all for you baby!


At 8:20 PM , Blogger Agate Lake Girl said...

Here's hoping Santa grants your Christmas wish so you can eat and be merry!

At 8:40 PM , Blogger Jess said...

Tha sucks that you're still not feeling well, but you may be one of those pregos who's sick the entire pregnancy. Let's hope not!

At 9:24 AM , Blogger Erin said...

Don't jinx me Jess! Being nauseous is one thing but physically puking now is another. Yuck!

Shannon, I hope Santa grants my wish too. I want to enjoy some eggnog and treats.

At 8:23 AM , Blogger MN Mom said...

Do call your doctor and get on some meds for nausa. Why feel awful when there is safe drugs. Better for baby too if you can eat and keep it down!

At 8:24 AM , Blogger MN Mom said...

oops are safe drugs!


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