Wednesday, June 06, 2007

To grade or not to grade...

After an 11+ hour day at work today, I came home and decided I would read this weeks material and take the unit review/quiz. I am not grading tonight. I am exhausted and think I will drink some wine and finally watch 1 of the 2 seasons finale's I have been waiting to get to for weeks. God bless the DVR.

Good news...I was asked if I wanted to teach next term. Must mean I am not doing too bad for a first timer. I do but I am taking a break. I will resume teaching in September. This summer I am bowling and working on doing things for me outside of work and earning money.

Today we had a massive "4pm" emergency. I busted butt and took care of something that clearly should have fallen on the hands of some other people. I am a little upset that I didn't get a thank you or decent acknowledgement from the powers that be (I created a very detailed email-here's what's going on, here is what you need to do, here is how to do it, here is the text, here is the list, etc. plus 2 documents with screenshots detailing it all). I did that in less than an hour under the gun. Those are the moments I miss some of my other bosses that would have at least said thank you and great job. Oh well...what can I do?

The diet is holding up. My lack of substantial calories today was substituted with some wine but still less than normal. I didn't get any exercise in but stress has to elevate and burn some calories.

Tomorrow is the first night of bowling. I am pumped for the first time. I hope I don't suck ass. I am sure someone will and usually it is me but this year...I think I am better than that! :)

Hopefully I will have a bowling story or two for you tomorrow. If someone elses blog.


At 6:42 AM , Blogger Jess said...

Bowling is gonna rock! I will probably be the one who sucks ass -- it seems to be my designated role. But maybe if I don't have too many beers...ah, who am I kinding? I always have too many beers when we bowl!


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