Sunday, June 03, 2007

Tropical Storm Barry=no kayaking

Not to sing the blues but everytime my family plans an outdoor event, mother nature never cooperates. I busted out of work early on Friday to go to my parent's house for a Saturday kayaking adventure. We loaded up Big Red with 4 humans and 2 dogs. The ride was ok but it was pouring out. Saturday came and we were in the middle of a tropical storm. No kayaking for us. It was great to see the family but driving 10 hours over the course of a couple days felt like a waste of time.

Oh well. I came home, picked up a little and graded papers. I got my class prepped for tomorrow night and even got some work work done.

It is 9pm and I am ready for some reading. Then it's lights out. Tomorrow starts the beginning of a serious lifestyle change. Better eats, more exercise, and less hours at the office. How long do you think that will last? Oh well. Gonna give it a shot.


At 7:28 AM , Blogger Jess said...

$10 says you can make it through the day with those goals: That's all you have to think -- one day at a time.

At 9:29 AM , Blogger Erin said...

You providing the $10 if I actually do it? LOL!

The healthy eating is on track so far. The exercise...well, that's the tough part but I am on a mission. I would bet the hubby but he has too much will power and will beat me in no time at all.

Anyone have any fun exercises that don't feel like torture?

At 9:35 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...



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