Friday, July 27, 2012

C25K Status

I have completed week 3 of the 9 week program. So far, I am surviving. No complaints about the clothing situation. Now I need to work on the squinting (need decent sunglasses) and I might have to be super uncool and get a sweat band or something. My eyes burn from the sweat that keeps dripping in them.

I did put a battery in my MP3 player but I am not keen on the arm band and my headphones suck. I didn't even use it. Tried it on, decided the current music stunk and it was uncomfortable. I can wait a little longer in this department because I am still content "counting" in my head.

Next week I am breaking out the new watch from Ryan. I think I have proven that I can stick with it a little longer. Plus, I am going to find it fun to start checking my route and distance. I am sure I will be shocked how little I go but eventually I can post a few stats.


At 11:50 AM , Blogger Jess said...

Good job! 3 weeks means its habit now! :)


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