Monday, August 03, 2009


My last post was sunshine and rainbows. This one isn't going to be quite so positive but it does have some upsides.

Saturday was a great day. Grandpa Jeff came to visit. We had swimming lessons (didn't go so great but Miller did well despite the tears) and park time. I ran to two dealerships and looked at a couple cars.

Sunday was the exact opposite. Miller was not feeling well; more giant molars cropping up. With teething comes a snotty, tired, crabby baby. He didn't nap at all yesterday. His only adventure was to Target because we were too early for Monkey Joes and everytime we thought about going, he looked like he was about to crash.

During one period where we thought he would nap, Ryan and I ran to the Caddie Dealer to test drive a SRX, get a price point, and an estimate on trade in for my car. I was very explicit to the salesman this is what I was here to do and that we had limited time based on crabby baby at home. 2 hours later, I stormed out while telling him he was a waste of my time.

1) Why is it so difficult to sit in a fricken car and drive it around the parking lot (I would have been satisfied with that)?
2) Why should I buy a car from someone who doesn't know their own product?
3) Why did you tell me you would get an estimate on my car, drag it out for over an hour, and then tell me once I decided on a car you would tell me what you would give me for it? Ballpark it buddy. "I ain't playin' your game!"
4) After I stormed out and you called half an hour later with the same pricing we assumed you would give based on the internet with some half-assed answer to my questions, did you really think I was going to come back in and talk through those numbers in more detail?

My lesson learned was that I still hate buying cars but I ruled out two larger SUVs I thought I really wanted, I found out that on the smaller SUV or crossover vehicles I do not want 7 passenger seating, I still want a back-end SUV like entry point rather than a trunk, and that I have expensive taste (I already knew that). I may consider a car if the next round of searching and trying doesn't work out.

To all you car salesmen/women out rate worse than the telemarketers that called at 9:30pm and 9:50pm last night. NOT A FAN! (Sorry Erik, I exclude you because you are family and didn't pull this crap on Ryan with his truck. Makes me re-consider my Ford options to avoid the hassle of buying locally).


At 7:11 AM , Anonymous Kristi R Talbot said...

i hope you finished off your night with a bottle of wine!

At 7:50 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

May IO ask why you aren't going with Cash for Clunkers. That would give you $9,000 of a new car right away? Coyote Mama

At 7:52 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoops I meant May I ask you why you aren't going with ....That would give you $9,000 off a new car.....Coyote Mama

At 7:55 AM , Blogger Ryan said...

Erin's car doesn't qualify. And it is only 4500. That and the program is on hold now.

At 8:14 AM , Blogger Jess said...

Car buying is frustrating and time consuming. Last fall, when we bought the Escape, it was several solid weekends of dealerships for us. Good luck with the continued quest!

At 8:14 AM , Blogger Agate Lake Girl said...

I've never understood the Catch-22 of car buying: they won't tell you how much until you agree to buy the car and you won't buy the car until they tell you how much - it's ridiculous!


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