Monday, May 09, 2011

Mother's Day

Mother's Day rocked this year. I think it was extra special since Saturday both Ryan and I were ready to give Miller away or lock him in the house while we went on a much needed vacation.

Ryan and Miller spoiled me with gifts this year. The funny part of it is that the gifts I received were really to their benefit for our trip to Hawaii. So, in addition to the Xoom, DVD, and earbuds, I got the two most cherished gifts a mom can ask for; peace and quiet and a happy kid all day long!

Ryan started off the day by taking Miller to fly airplanes, the park, and Target so that I could stay in bed without the craziness of Miller running and yelling (Saturday we were up before 6am and the tactics to have him play quietly or watch tv didn't work). Then they brought me some donut holes and iced coffee. Ryan and I took turns playing with Miller while the other read the paper and then Ryan took him back outside so I could have a half hour to read and then shower. We headed to Big Bear for lunch.

News flash, don't go out to eat on Mother's Day. Especially after church is out. We had a 25 minute wait which wasn't too bad but it was so blistering hot outside even Miller asked if we could go in and get water. We survived 10 or 15 minutes outside and I was soked from head to toe in sweat. I don't do well with heat or being hungry so the combo of the two was trying my patience. Luckily I snuck up to the bar and got a glass of water. Being a good mom, I let Miller drink first. Big mistake. I think I got an icecubes worth of liquid. After that, we did have a good lunch. Miller sat by me and ate pretty well. There was little chastising to sit still so I can't complain. I just wished I could have had a mimosa, bloody mary, glass of wine, or a nice cold beer. That would have topped the lunch off.

We came home and everyone took naps. Then we hit the pool. Miller was content to play with his water gun and water balloons rather than jump so it was easier on Ryan and I than the last few weeks of  pool time. He was practicing floating and blowing bubbles with his face under water. I have a feeling he will be swimming (I say that with a notion that we aren't talking Michael Phelps) by the end of the summer if he keeps this up.

Then we cleaned up, had lobster tails and crab, and watched some Mary Poppins. (I think Ryan is impressed by my memory of the movie. I even knew some of the words to the stupid Feed the Birds song which is by far the worst song in the entire movie.) It was an easy bedtime routine without multiple attempts to put him back in bed. Then Ryan and I watched a little of the new Harry Potter movie (realized we forgot a ton and need to rewatch the first 6) and stopped before bedtime because we were too tuckered out to finish it.

It was great to have a fantastic Mother's Day. Now, can I pull off a Father's Day for Ryan like this?


At 2:51 PM , Blogger Jess said...

Glad you had a good Mother's Day!

Having worked as a server for so many years, I know to avoid restaurants on 3 days of the year: New Year's Eve, Valentine's Day, and Mother's day. We don't even attempt to go out to eat those days.

At 6:26 AM , Blogger Agate Lake Girl said...

Sounds like fun! We had seafood too. Jon made delicious crab cakes!


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