Saturday, August 30, 2008


Two nights ago, Annie had an upset tummy and was outside eating grass like a goat. We yelled at her a few times and made her come inside. Usually large consumptions of grass result in a middle of the night yacking session. She didn't yack that night so we thought nothing of it.

Yesterday, I forgot to shut the door to the bedroom when I left for work and she made herself at home, like usual, on the bed. As I was getting ready to slip into bed last night I see this long tube like thing on the bed. You guessed it, a grassball. This thing was huge compared to Jazzy's hairballs (and no they are not ball like, they should name them tubes). Ryan grabbed some paper towels and picked it up. I proceeded to slip into bed and realized there was a lot of liquid that must have come up with it. The bedspread, blanket, sheet, and mattress pad were soaked. It was 10pm and we were tired so instead of sleeping in the wet spot, we moved to the guest bedroom.

I have wondered many times why we don't end up on that bed when one of us decides to sleep on the couch (usually we wake up hot and one of us moves out because Annie is hogging the bed, radiating heat, and won't move for anything). I would like to have said I slept well but I woke up at 2am and puked. Not quite sure what brought that on but my tummy was all rumbly. I think it's what I ate because I had only had 3 beers at happy hour and ate supper after that. We had a pizza from the Target deli that tasted great but I thought it was a little raw. Ryan wasn't bothered by it so who knows.

Today the little one woke up at 6 and was wide awake so we decided to both get up. I can't wait until he's a little older and we tell him he can't get out of bed until at least 7am on the weekend. Now, only if we could teach Annie that too...

Thursday, August 28, 2008


Thank God It's A Four Day Week!

For my first week back at work; I am so glad it's only a four day work week for me and so is next week. I am seriously overwhelmed. I am trying to stay positive and not stress out about stuff but man; there's a lot to do. I was good about packing up at 5 and being out the door by 5:15 Tuesday and Wednesday but today it was closer to 5:45. That has to be a rare occasion going forward since I am dead set on leaving at 5 and trying not to do any work once I am home. It's killing me to not log on and answer emails right now. I have 200+ from the last two days. Jeepers. Ya think they were just saving everything up for me?

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Lost and Found (and Daycare Update)

Let me start with "lost and found" and then I will give the daycare recap.

A few months ago, I noticed we were missing a fork. Ryan swears I lost it at work. I swear he lost it at work OR we lost it during a party. After Miller was born, we were down to 5 big forks. Now, I remember being short one but not 3! Where did they go? Ryan again accused me of losing them at work. If that were the case, we would be missing spoons and knives too so I cried "false." Well, today I grabbed my lunch bag to pack up my grub and low and behold, there are 2 forks and one spoon! They weren't technically at work but I can't believe I never emptied my work lunch bucket out. I guess I planned on going back to work before labor struck (they were unused...not full of food, that would be disgusting).

Onto the daycare summary. Yesterday I started crying around 3pm and cried off and on until I went to bed. This morning I woke up and was sad but doing ok. Ryan got Miller all ready for "school" while I was getting ready for work. We took first day of school pictures and off they went. I thought I would lose it on the way to work but I didn't. I would get a little sad but tried not to think about it. I also refrained from calling Ryan but did check in with him after he visited Miller at lunch time.

Miller did well (like they would tell us if he cried all day). He didn't get changed as often as he gets changed at home so maybe our diaper bill will go down! He was very excited when I got home tonight. In fact, I think I kept him up too long and made him cranky. He was all smiles and giggles so I couldn't help but love him up.

As far as returning to work, it was bitter sweet. I was very excited to go back to work. No matter how much I complain about how stupid that place is, I love to work and the challenge of dealing with morons keeps me going. I arrived to an office decorated in "Welcome Back Erin" signs (I found 15 of them...), two different types of pictures with me photoshopped into them, banners, streamers, and hidden signs all over the place. I spent the first hour picking the signs up and cleaning my desk off.

Someone stole my power cord to my docking station which ticked me off. I had to order a new one today which will take much longer than it needs to. That kinda blows. I walked into a flurry of items that have been waiting for my return. Part of me feels good that they depend on me so much but on the other hand it frustrates the crap out of me that for 3 months, nothing was accomplished.

The day was topped off by random people dropping by to give me a hug and welcome me back. I knew I was well liked at work but this still was a little surprising. I didn't realize I worked with so many people that truly appreciate my witchiness. Ryan should count himself lucky to be married to me :)

Monday, August 25, 2008

Daycare for Miller

I feel better about sending Miller to daycare after getting his stuff organized today. We went in around 9:45am. I set up his food station, changing station, and his crib area. Before I went in, I printed a sheet up with "About Miller" statements such as "I like my dog, "Blue," and "I like to sit upright in a lap, a bouncer, in a swing," etc. I also printed a couple pictures of him to add to their charts to go with his name and sticker colors (color coded labels for everything).

We met his primary teacher, Miss Diana. Personally, she put my mind at ease more so than the other teachers. I could tell she had a degree in early childhood development. She was helping the other teachers fill out activity sheets that detail what the kids did for an activity and which developmental skills they worked on. She explained more to me and helped me get things ready rather than just pointing and saying "whatever" like the ladies last Friday. They might not have been as helpful since they weren't Miller's primary care person but they left me slightly hesistant. The kicker is they know each kid and his/her moods and signals so I know he will be taken well care of once they get to know him. I think they probably didn't help because they wanted me to work with Diana. I also met one of the substitutes who comes in part time to help when they have more kids. She was super nice and very "grandmotherly." They all assured me he would be ok and that this week will be the hardest on me.

One of the ladies kept telling me he says "mom" and "momma" when he gets fussy and hungry. I have teased Ryan about this because I think it's just his way of cooing but they said he knows. I don't think so but maybe he does know that "momma" will take care of him. His first word = momma??? That or "who" like an owl!

So tomorrow is going to be a rough day. No naps. No Miller. Lots of work. I hope Miller sleeps through the night like last night. That would make tomorrow a little easier on me than having to get up in the middle of the night. He slept 9:30-6:15 this morning (we woke him up!). I hope this is the new trend...

They also showed me the folder they keep on the kids. It has a calendar with days they observe "first" such as sitting, crawling, walking, hand-eye coordination, vocabulary, etc. They include pieces of art work and pictures taken at school.

I need to send some pictures of Ryan and I with him tomorrow for the family tree and his crib. I am going to ask Grandma and Grandpa to also send some pictures and we need to include Annie and Jazzy.

Friday, August 22, 2008

The Calm Before the Storm

This morning Miller and I went to daycare. I sat with the ladies for about 1.5 hours. Miller got to meet the other kids and teachers. His classmates are almost all boys. There was only one girl there and she is older (well, they only go up to 12 not too much older). He saw John Jr. and even had "boppy time" with him on the floor.

I got most of my questions answered and on Monday I go back to label all his bottles and set up his station and crib. He hasn't had a mobile but I am thinking about getting him one. I also need to find a second blue dog toy like the one he has at home so he can take it with him. He loves "Blue." I was just thinking to myself how little "emergency" shopping trips I have had to make over the past few weeks. Looks like tomorrow will be a whirlwind of getting all his stuff together and ready to go for Monday.

Personally, I did much better today than I thought I would. I was a mess last night. I am so attached to the little bugger I can't stand to think of being away from him all day. I have a hard time going for a few hours at night when he is at home with Dad. He will do well there and I know in my head it is the best thing for him (and me).

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

STP Recap

Here are the highlights of the night.

1) Dinner: Good. We ate Mexican, what can I say?
2) Opening Band: Good BUT they never told us who they were. All I know from the scuttle in the bathroom is they have the words black and motorcycle in a way too long name for a band with only 3 members. They rocked and I would definitely purchase their cd.
3) STP: Excellent. They played all the great tunes and had decent sound. Scott Weiland should stick to singing and dancing like a freak-no narration.
4) The Crowd: this will take more than one bullet point.
-In front of us: dork in his mid to upper 40's wearing his backpack on his stomach. He didn't see the concert because he was too busy snapping pictures with his camera and blackberry. Not once did he look up from it. We joked about the bomb in his backpack but I seriously think it was a battery supply.
-To the right of us: drunk girl (woman) passed out with severe clevage issues. Boyfriend didn't help. He kept touching her boobs with one hand and rocking out with the other. At one point he took off his shirt and I swear to god she puked in it. We saw him lead her to the bathroom, him stand in line for a beer behind us, and then no more. I tossed a piece of my receipt down her shirt. My aim was off and it landed in her neck. He actually slapped her face at one point to check on her!
-To the direct right of us: pot smokers. They not only lit up, they fricken rolled a joint or two right next to us. The zip lock opened, we commented on how it smelled like pot, looked to our right and the dude rolled it up right there in front of us. House lights on and everything. He and his buddy got too stoned to look at the boobage in front of them. I can taste the second hand smoke from them and considering I just ate a piece of pizza, 4 chicken wings and a small bowl of rice with chicken wing sauce, I would tend to say I got a slight second hand high from standing next to them!

Time to pump, dump, and go to bed. I am beat! It's hard being a rock star fan.

Pearly Whites

I just got back from the dentist and my pearly whites checked out with a clean bill of health. The hygenist was super friendly and good with Miller (he was a little talkative, fussy, sleepy, so he needed some encouragement to be good while her hands were in my mouth). Two things I ponder after every visit.

1) How bad are other people's teeth? They constantly praise me and tell me I have wonderful teeth. I don't take "that" good of care of them. I brush 1 to 2 times a day and floss when I remember or have something stuck in my teeth. I don't even brush for the recommended amount of time. I hope Miller inherits my good teeth genes.

2) My records state I knocked my front tooth out back in 7th grade and that I have not had a root canal. I have been going to this same dentist office for 7 years now and I get the question every time. Then I have a moment of self doubt and can't wait to look in the mirror to see if it has changed color from the last time I brushed my teeth. I think they are hoping I decide to get a root canal since they haven't been able to squeeze any cavity fillings out of me.

Just a couple more hours until we head to the Hard Rock to see Stone Temple Pilots. I read a few reviews online today and almost all had positive things to say. I don't have super high hopes since Scott Weiland could be severly hopped up on cocaine or heroin but I expect a decent show. I know I will be hoarse tomorrow after singing my heart out tonight. I almost started playing the cds to brush up on lyrics but decided not too. Some things you just don't forget from your high school days!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Natural Disasters and Drinks

In true Erin fashion, I honored Tropical Storm Fay with a few drinks tonight. Miller was a good boy today and we introduced some formula with his breast milk. That went well and after Ryan came home, I decided it was time to have a few drinks (especially since he doesn't have to work tomorrow). We enjoyed the cool weather on the porch with Miller and played a few hands of cards.

As I mentioned earlier, I am not too worried this time around. I figure it will keep raining and we should be ok. If we lose power, I doubt it would be for long. So...that's why I celebrated (not to mention my short time left before I return to work next week).

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Giggles and Coos

Miller has been a bundle of giggles, coos, and of course, crying. His shots threw off his schedule but he's on his way back to normal. We moved him up to a larger bottle and a faster nipple today. So far, it's going ok. He has also discovered his thumbs, fingers, and fists. No favorite yet but they all end up in his mouth. He is starting to develop some personality. He is also beginning to "play" with his toys. He is definitely more fun to be around but also more work since his sleeping schedule has greatly decreased.

After Sheryl left today I picked up the house, swiffered, watered plants and did some laundry. There are plenty of last minute chores that I have put off during my leave that I need to get done before I go back to work. It's going to be a jam packed week.

The hub-bub is all about Tropical Storm Fay. Honestly, I am much less worried than in the past since we have lived through Wilma and been without power before. We made sure we had some gas for the generator (mainly to keep Miller's milk frozen...whereas before it was for lights and fans), a few jugs of water, batteries and a few food items to get us through for a couple days. Considering all gas stations are required to have generators now and that there is usually time to pick up a few last minute items before a storm hits, I am much less concerned. I truly think pregnancy and motherhood has changed my neurotic worry syndrom. I still have it but no where near what it was in the past. I could care less if we have a day off of work because I am not at work but it would be nice for Ryan to be able to hang out with Miller and I.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Random Post

I haven't posted in a few days but there isn't much to say. Sheryl arrived Wednesday afternoon. She has been a giant help with Miller. She has twins and has shown me a few tricks that worked with her girls that also work with Miller. He wasn't in his normal routine when she arrived because he had had his shots. All I can say is he loves her!

We have been pretty lame bumming around the house and playing with Miller. Last night we went to a movie and had a drink before heading home. Today, we headed down to Ft. Lauderdale beach for lunch, t-shirts for the girls, and a drink. We stopped at Target (can you say zoo?) and then Sam's Club today. We had a fabulous crab dinner and played some trivia games on play station and on x-box. Then we watched Phelps win another gold. We have decided we are old. No need to be tourists or crazy drinkers.

I am so thankful Sheryl could visit us and appreciate all the tips and help she provided. I can't believe her babies are going to be three in a couple months. Time flies. Soon Miller will be at daycare and the next thing you know he will be walking!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Today we went into the daycare center and checked it out. It was a zoo of children and I thank the lord I am not a preschool teacher or a daycare worker. Surprisingly the place wasn't chaotic. The kids were all being called by name by all the teachers and they were very well behaved. They were listening to some guy that comes in and plays tunes on his guitar and sings with them. The infant to 1 year old portion is under remodeling so we visited the temporary home for the little ones. I think I was overwhelmed. I had so many questions but couldn't think to ask any at the time.

I am going to go in the Friday and Monday before I return to work to ask questions, let the workers get to know Miller, and get his stuff ready for him on Tuesday. The teachers also encouraged me to do it for the fact they know new moms are always an emotional mess after they drop their kids off for the first time. I know in my head that daycare is good for Miller and for me but man, I have been a bundle of emotions today. I think I have cried three times already and told Ryan I don't want to send him to daycare. What's wrong with me? Why has all reason left my brain and all I want to do is hold my baby and snuggle him?

To top it off, I am trying to put myself on a pumping schedule similar to one that I would be on if back at work. It isn't going so well and today is the first day. Besides the physical aspects, I think I am also emotionally torn about starting on formula and cutting back on breast milk. Again, reason and reality are being skewed by some crazy "mom-emotions." Pregnancy and motherhood certainly mess with your emotions and brain. I guess I know why all mom's are considered crazy by their children at some point in time. It's because they are crazy with love for their children and that tends to cloud the brain that used to not worry about things that are only a priority once you are a parent. No pregnancy book warns you about that. Uff.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

New Stats

Miller had his two month check up today. Here are the stats:

Height: 25 5/8 inches (off the charts)
Weight: 13 lbs 7 oz (90%)

All of his other measurements and checks were positive. He's on schedule and ahead of schedule with some of his development (eating, cooing, grasps, tummy time/head holding, etc.). He needs to be flipped more often in his crib and chairs to even out the other side of his head. Nothing to worry about but you can tell he favors one direction. His belly button is getting better and no need to worry about surgery yet.

He had 3 shots and one oral vacination today. He did pretty well. He yelped and cried a little but not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. I even did ok. The nurses are so good at this office that I wish they were drawing my blood and giving me shots!

So, that's the update on Miller. He's moving along and developing at a good pace. We are going to start introducing formula for two reasons; 1) he is eating more and more every day and I don't know how much longer I can keep up with him and 2) he's going to daycare and I am going back to work (1 and 2 are basically the same but you get the point).

Time to go tend to the cry baby. He's not happy about being in his swing. He wants mom time.

Is It True?

I hope it is not premature to state this and jinx us but I think Miller has decided to start sleeping through the night! He's had longer stretches at night (5 hours inbetween feedings) but last night was amazing! He ate at 9:15, was asleep around 10:15 and didn't wake up until 5:30 this morning. That my friends constitutes as "sleeping through the night." I haven't slept that many consecutive hours in many months. No waking up to pee, no waking up to check/change Miller, no pumping, no feeding, no nothing but sleep. I wish I could say I felt ready to go at 6am but I did go back to bed and napped a little after that.

Switching gears...

I spent most of yesterday afternoon looking up phone numbers for agencies. What type you ask? Well, it started with the Vital Records department for the state of Florida. I requested Miller's birth certificate and they sent it to me with an error on it. Ryan's name wasn't complete (aka no last name in his name field). I spoke with 4 or 5 people and was told to fill out an affadavit (spelling) and send $20 for a new one. I said no, I didn't forget to fill it in when I filled out his form, someone entered it wrong and should correct it for me for free. She didn't like that and gave me some snappy answer. Eventually we got to the point where I had to send the old one back with a note, they would research it, and if they need the affadavit filled out, they would send it to me and request the $20 at that time. Something tells me they won't fess up to it being entered wrong and I will have to pay. The other weird thing is they won't tell you squat over the phone. They don't "check" records for you. So, basically if I were there in person (Jacksonville-didn't even have a toll free phone number) they could check to see who's fault it was and I could have moved forward but since I was on the phone, they wouldn't even look at it.

Next agency was the Broward Animal Care Dept. Annie received her new rabies tag but before we got it put on her collar, it disappeared. I can't find that thing anywhere. We have searched high and low for it. I called the vet and they said they could give me a certificate to carry but if I wanted a tag I had to request a replacement. Luckily I had the paper work for Jazzy's tag to send in but I know it will confuse the heck out the person that opens that envelope. I looked online to see if there were any special forms or hoops I needed to jump through but didn't see anything. I called their number and got 2 voicemails which seemed like the inbox that never gets listened to or answered. I didn't leave a message.

Then I moved on to filling out a claims form for my breast pump and paying bills. The bill drawer was a mess and was part of the search place for the missing dog tag so I cleaned that out. Wow! I dropped 6 disposable cameras off to be developed. I have no idea what is on them. I filed papers/receipts, tossed junk, went through keys, etc. It was a good task to accomplish. Too bad no one looks in that drawer. I even cleaned out my underwear drawer (no one looks in that drawer either).

Today I need to finish the laundry (only 1 load left) and clean out a couple more drawers. I might even start cleaning. Sheryl comes Wednesday. Yippee!!!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Happy Anniversary!

Today is our 7th wedding anniversary. Aren't we cute? Our big night out was celebrated last night with a nice dinner at the Melting Pot. We pawned Miller off on Jess and Jerry so we could have a meal without him.

Looking back, it seems like only yesterday I was getting my hair and makeup done, dawning my wedding dress, sweating through pictures, and marrying Ryan. I thoroughly enjoyed our wedding day and will probably pull out the ol' wedding album tonight to look at our pictures.
Together we survived a long distance engagement, have purchased a house which entailed us living through repairs, remodels, and chores. (I didn't insert battles of wills since that is already understood whenever one mentions projects around here.) We have our adopted pets (Annie and Jazzy) and now Miller. We have ventured on vacation near and far, including a road trip to MN during the holidays and a European adventure. We survived Wilma and several other named hurricanes.
I can't imagine what the next years will bring but it has been wonderful sharing the past 7 with Ryan. That's enough sap. My next post will be about my chores I accomplished today. Back to reality.

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Sunshine and Sweat on a Saturated Saturday

How's that title workin' for you? Say it seven times over!

This morning started off with a little sunshine and a nice breeze so I headed outside to trim my plants and weed them. They were getting out of control. I always think it will take me a few minutes and I don't need sunscreen. So wrong...I look like a tomato. I figured since I was already hot and sweaty, I would clean the wheels on my car before the thunderstorm hit. I finished up as the sprinkles started and made it in the house just as the heavens fully opened.

I am going to take a shower and see how the weather is after I am done. I want to venture out to get my new watched sized. Ryan bought me a watch for our anniversary; 7 years on Monday. It's a citizen's gold watch with an emerald trim around the face (not real emeralds, we aren't made of that kind of money!). I think he did a great job picking it out. He doesn't purchase jewelry very often for me but when he does he hits it on the head. Great job honey!

I, on the other hand, gave him a book with over 200 guitar songs in it, Sing Star (which I beat him at last night), and some moola to put toward more guitar gear. He is always easier to buy for because he has a hobby. The hard part is finding what he needs to accompany that hobby since he usually buys it all for himself.

That's all for now folks and it's only 2 in the afternoon. I feel like I have made progress since we didn't get out of bed until after 10am today. Miller was a bundle of fun this morning playing with two stuffed animals, practicing his crawling and neck skills, and giggling. I think we played with him for over half an hour before he said that's enough, feed me! He's passed out like a little angel right now :) How sweet.

Friday, August 08, 2008

Fussy Friday

Today was an interesting day. This morning, Miller and I had a good feeding and then some tummy time. I nodded in and out for a couple hours while he slept. Then the rest of the day set in along with the "fussiness." We had some good "play time" then some fussiness that had me threaten to throw him in the lake if he didn't knock it off. Ryan called during one of these "fussy" times and told everyone how I was threatening to toss him in the lake. After a major poo and huge burp (30-45 minutes after it all began) he settled down for a bit. It was hit and miss for most of the day. Ryan came home and it flared up again. I am not happy that Miller was upset again or that he was crying but it was good for Ryan to see what my day had consisted of.

Ryan mowed the lawn before the looming thunderstorm set in and then the boys showed up for some beers and a cigar. After they left I gave Ryan his anniversary gift early. One of the gifts was a Play Station 2 game that is called Sing Star. It is like kareokee. I beat him on most of the songs. It's fun but I still don't know if I would ever play it with friends. We will see. Liquid courage helps.

We are wrapping up the evening with a frozen pizza, the Olympic opening ceremonies (missed the fun part, it's the parade of nations right now), and some reading. The house is clean and the lawn is mowed. Tomorrow there are very few chores that need to be completed so hopefully it will be a relaxing weekend. We have dinner plans and a babysitter lined up for Sunday night so we can go out for our anniversary. 7 years...on one hand it seems like yesterday we were married and on the other it seems like eons ago...

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Exercise on Track

I almost feel off the wagon after only one week of exercise but today I did day 1 and 2 to catch up. That was legs and abs. Uff! Week two is always tougher than week 1 for me no matter what activity it is. I didn't get a walk in last night but I figured my 2 hours of shopping last night counted towards it.

On Regis and Kelly today, they had a hoopin lady! She was amazing and makes it look so easy. Ryan says I won't use a hula if I buy one but I am motivated after seeing that lady. She made it look fun and I really liked the "dance" quality she brought to it. I know I won't be dancin' or readin' with my hoop like that lady or Crystal anytime soon but I am going to give it a try. I have made up my mind.

Yesterday I put on the 80's channel and sang and danced with Miller. That poor boy will never know what a beautiful voice is but he will be so prepared for 80's music nights in the future! He was a pretty good dancer. He stepped on my feet a lot less often than his father would have ;)

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Feeling Better

Sorry I took a while to post. I am feeling better and didn't have to go to the doctor. I kicked my fever and my boob is almost back to normal. Next time I might skip trying to self medicate and go straight to the doctor. That was not a fun couple days.

I had good intentions of posting this morning but instead I decided to do some work. Yes, work work. It was a big day at work with several new projects launching. I decided to spot check things for two reasons: 1) to familiarize myself with them 2) to see what problems I would be walking into when I go back. The team did a great job and there was minimal drama that I was involved with but it was good to dabble a little. I am excited to get back to work but at the same time very sad knowing just how much work there will be waiting for me. Too bad I don't have a job where it's a pile of invoices or small tasks to complete that I could check off. Mine are projects to manage, operations to run, staff to work with, and many other odds and ends.

I am sure you are wondering about my exercise routine. Being sick put it on hold and today I wasn't quite feeling 100% to jump back in. I will probably do day 1 and 2 tomorrow to catch back up. Things are starting to get crazy. My 3 months of leave is almost up and I feel like I haven't done half of what I wanted to accomplish. I am just starting to feel normal again and before you know it, I will be back to working long days and trying to squeeze in some quality Miller and Ryan time before the day starts all over again. That's the part of working I am not looking for. Ryan is going to miss his cook, dishwasher fairy, and laundress.

Monday, August 04, 2008


I think I might have mastitis and if I don't kick my fever by this evening, I am going to the doctor in the morning. I definitely feel better than yesterday. I still have a slight fever but my chills and aches are gone. My left breast has been sore and slightly red so hopefully it is a mild case that I am kicking on my own. If I can't kick it, a nice round of antibiotics should help out.

With all the drama around breastfeeding; I am ready to throw the towel in. It is a lot of work. I never imagined it would be so time consuming, hard on my body, and mentally exhausting. I know when I go back to work it will be hard to pump. Our next pediatrician visit is going to explore the option of introducing formula. I hate to switch but I never planned on breastfeeding for a full year. My goal was 3 months and if I could do some through month 6 I will/would.

Switching subjects...I have a strong desire to send Annie away for a while. She has been getting on my nerves lately. Whenever I am home during the day (when I would work from home or on the weekends) she likes to go outside and sun bathe for a bit. Well, ever since we got new neighbors, she likes to go outside more often. I don't have a problem with letting her out but she literally goes out, barks at them or their dogs, and wants to come back in right away. She also chooses to do this when my hands are tied (feeding Miller, pumping, in the shower, going to the bathroom, etc.). I hate when other people's dogs bark so I always let her in right away. At first, I thought she was jealous of Miller and that she wasn't getting enough attention but the reality of it is she gets more attention now than before Miller was born. I don't know what to do with her. I have contemplated finding a way to teach her to let herself in and out but going through the sliding door and the porch is more than her little pea brain could phathom. A dog door isn't an option since the cat would then escape. Ah...the little dilemas in life. For now I will just have to be at her beckon call.

Sunday, August 03, 2008


That's right, I am sick. I woke up aching from my ears to my toes. I am shivering but sweating. I definitely have a fever. Hopefully Miller will sleep alot today because that is what I plan on doing. I am hydrating and resting. I hope this goes away soon. I am a little weak when it comes to holding fat boy. He's going to get a lot of chair and crib time today.

Saturday, August 02, 2008


Chillin' and looking cool in my onesie from Auntie Em and my pacifier from Uncle Pete.

Sitting (with the help of the couch) and wearing big boy pants.

Friday, August 01, 2008

Day 4 and Then Some

Day four was back and chest. In my case, it was also arms. Day 4 sucks but I did it minus one ridiculous exercise called the "no name." I skipped that since it was sketchy.

Miller spent most of the day sleeping so I cleaned house. I did cupboards (outside), floors, dusting, picking up and some minor odds and ends that needed to be taken care of. Jess came over to relieve me for a bit and I ran to get gas in the car and a few groceries. I came back with some dinner and we proceeded to play some cards and yathzee. I kicked butt. Sorry Jess, maybe next time you can say you won. :) It was fun to play with someone other than Ryan because her strategy was different.

Tomorrow will be a day of rest other than laundry. Miller had a few pee issues today. I attribrute them to him outgrowing some diapers. There are far too many for me to pass along and buy new ones so he will have to be heavily monitored for the next couple days until he moves through this pack. Then it's on to a bigger size.

I felt funny tonight at Publix. There were two men trying to decide which wine to buy their wives. The old Crown Girl in me kicked in and I helped them out. It was fun but at the same time I felt bad BS'ing them. Oh well. I also had a call from work tonight. An employee needed advice and everyone else was unavailable. I was glad to be asked for advice and was eager to use my brain. Friday night 5pm emergencies aren't so urgent anymore but at least I know I am able to think quickly and act. I even fed Miller while on the phone. Now that is a multi-tasker.

I thought I had some other intriguing information but I am coming up short.

Later Gator!